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Taken for granted

Posted by: root <root@...>

This is several months old, but relevant nonetheless...

>I often take for granted the fact war has not touched me personally -
and that is because we have young men and women out in that volatile
world - trying to protect our peace. I feel gratitude for them - as I
read the following from a Florida friend.

> Hi,
> I just received this email from a friend of mine at SWOS. He has a
> buddy flying Seahawks off of USS Hawes. Here he describes the
> conditions on USS COLE:
> "It wasn't until a few days ago though, that we started doing something
> that I feel may be the first thing I've seen in my short Naval career
> that has truly made a difference. Right now we're supporting the USS
> COLE and her crew in Aden. When the attack occurred we were a day
> away. Just by luck we happened to be on our way out of the Gulf and
> headed towards the Suez and could get here in a relatively short amount
> of time. I know what you all have seen on CNN, because we have seen it
> too.
> I just want you all to know that what you see doesn't even scratch the
> surface. I'm not going to get into it for obvious reasons. But I will
> tell you that right now there are 250+ sailors just a few miles
> away living in hell on Earth. I'm sitting in a nice air conditioned
> state room, they're sleeping out on the decks at night. You can't even
> imagine the conditions they're living in, and yet they are still
> fighting 24 hours a day to save their ship and free the bodies of those
> still trapped and send them home. As bad as it is, they're doing an
> incredible job. The very fact that these people are still functioning is
> beyond my comprehension. Whatever you imagine as the worst, multiply
> it by ten and you might get there.
> Today I was tasked to photo rig the ship and surrounding area. It
> looked so much worse than I had imagined, unbelievable really, with
> debris and disarray everywhere, the ship listing, the hole in her
> side. I wish I had the power to relay to you all what I have seen, but
> words just won't do it. I do want to tell you the first thing that
> jumped out at me - the Stars and Stripes flying. I can't tell you
> how that made me feel...even in this God forsaken hell hole our flag was
> more beautiful than words can describe.
> Then I started to notice the mass of activity going on below, scores of
> people working non-stop in 90 plus degree weather to save this ship.
> They're doing it with almost no electrical power and they're sleeping
> (when they can sleep) outside on the decks because they can't stand the
> smell or the heat or the darkness inside. They only want to eat what
> we bring them because they're all scared of eating something brought by
> the local vendors.
> Even with all that, the USS COLE and her crew is sending a message guys,
> and it's that even acts of cowardice and hate can do nothing to the
> spirit and pride of the United States. I have never been so proud of
> what I do, or of the men and women that I serve with as I was today.
> There are sixteen confirmed dead sailors who put it on the line for all
> of us, and some of them are still trapped here. Please take a minute to
> pray for their families and say a word of thanks for their sacrifice -
> one made so that we can live the lives that we do. All of you that
> serve with me, thank you. All of you that have loved ones that serve,
> thank you."
> Please feel free to pass this on to those you think will appreciate it.
> V/R
> LT Landry"

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