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Teach Me To Pray

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

<>< Teach Me To Pray ><>
Please teach me, Lord ...
I want to know
Exactly how to pray.
I need some words
Which ones are right?
Please tell me what to say.
I've bowed my head
I have knelt down,But ...
should I be upright?
I've closed my eyes,
I've raised my hands,Or ...
should I fold them tight?
Do I stand up?
Should I sit down?
Dear Lord ... what do you like?
Are lights turned on
Or are they off?Maybe ...
candle light?
Wear my glasses?
Take them off?
Be at my desk or table?
Should I whisper?
Speak out loud?
Do I quote the Bible?
What do you think about the time?
Do You prefer the dawn?
Should I pray fast,
Or keep it slow?
Better short ... or long?
I'm new at this
What are the rules?
I want to do it right.
How do I know
You'll even hear
That I am in Your sight?
And while I sat there quietly,
Waiting for some sign,
I heard a gentle voice say,
"Oh, dearest child of mine ...
Do you think I really care
About the time of day,
Or whether you are standing up,
Or kneeling when you pray?"
"I don't care about your posture,
Or about the place you choose;
Just open up your soul to me,
I have no other rules.
Tell me what is in your heart,
And tell me what you seek;
Tell me of your sorrows,
And of those things that made you weak."
"Speak to me in private
About what concerns you most;
I know about your good deeds ...
You have no need to boast.
My child, you don't need lessons,
Just talk to me each day;
Tell me anything you want, dear child,
Anyone can pray."
<>< That's God ><>
Have you ever been just sitting there and all of a sudden you feel like doing something nice for someone you care for? THAT'S GOD. . . He talks to you through the Holy Spirit.
Have you ever been down and out and nobody seems to be around for you to talk to? THAT'S GOD . . . He wants you to talk to Him.
Have you ever been thinking about somebody that you haven't seen in a long time and then next thing you know... you see them or receive a phone call from them? THAT'S GOD. . . There ! is no such thing as "coincidence. "
Have you ever received something wonderful that you didn't even ask for? Like money in the mail, a debt that had mysteriously been cleared, or a coupon to a department store where you had just seen something you wanted,but couldn't afford? THAT'S GOD. . . He knows the desires of your heart. . .
Have you ever been in a situation and you had no clue how it is going to get better, but now as you look back on it, you got through it? THAT'S GOD. . . He passes us through tribulation to see a brighter day.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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