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Teriyaki recipe

Posted by: smlanza <smlanza@...>

Hello, tried to send this to the Yahoo group while we were still up but it
kept getting bounced back, sorry for the lateness of this reply.

Also, there is another Serena on this list. What's your nationality,
Serena? How do you pronounce your name?

Hi All,

>Sorry for the lateness of this post but I have been besieged with email
messages and have been remiss in reading them all in a timely manner. One
of you was lamenting that their teriyaki marinade was boring. Well, I came
up with this recipe on my own after much trial and error. The measurements
are approximate as I've always been a "pinch of this and a dash of that"
kind of a cook.

1/2 cup Soy Sauce
1 cup Packed Brown Sugar (or 3/4 cup white sugar and 1/4 cup molasses)
10 Very Large Cloves Garlic (Can you tell I like Garlic?)
3 - 4 heaping tablespoons freshly grated ginger root (It MUST be fresh
grated, not powdered)
1/2 cup Olive Oil
1/3 cup Sherry wine (The kind you drink, not cooking sherry - cooking
sherry has too much sodium in it and will not work in this recipe)

Put garlic through a garlic press and combine all ingredients. Adjust to
taste by adding more soy sauce or sugar. The sherry is for flavor as well
as tenderizing the meat, don't worry about the alcohol content, it burns
off while cooking. I use cheap cuts of meat but my preferred are London
Broil cuts. I chop them up into steak tip size chunks and marinate for at
least 8 hours, preferably overnight. It works equally well on chicken.
Yummy. I also make up a big batch and put it in decorative jar as gifts. My
friends just love it!

If someone tries this, let me know what you think.


P.S. Good for you for changing this list away from Yahoo.
M. Serena Lanza
Payroll Department
235 Presidential Way
P.O. Box 4100
Woburn, MA 01888-4100
(781) 865-2882 - voice
(781) 865-3936 - fax