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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>


Darren Smith's homeless/ street ministry in Galveston now has a
large building that they are setting up as a base. He needs helpers
to renovate it as well as to assist with Street/ Homeless ministry.

Next week Rick Walth (from Katrina Base) is there with a team,
but more are needed. (Also - Rick will be in Detroit later to help
set up a base in the slums there with Patrick and Josef's street-
ministry. Watch out for that in coming months. Detroit has the
worst slums I have ever seen).

But TEXAS is the focus right now. Here is a recent update from
Darren Smith-

"God is moving in a powerful way in Galveston. We have seen great
advances in the last couple of months. Every Saturday at our street
service we are seeing people saved, healed and deliverance. We
are feeding about 250 to 300 every Saturday - not only food but the
Word of God. We also are seeing breakthrough with the men and
women in our faith based rehab. We have 16 people there and the
growth is great as restoration takes place in lives. We just bought
a building to expand the program into and are in need of people to
help remodel and get the building useable. We also need people to
help with street ministry and with teaching at our services. We are
looking for people who have the desire to build the Kingdom of God
in this city as well in other areas. Please contact us if you can
help. We are having services everyday and the power of God is
there and moving. I believe that we are seeing true revival that is
going to spread."

If you are interested in helping in Galveston, please contact
Darren Smith [-Streetscape Ministries] - ph. 936-590-0722
or email him at-

God bless you all.