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Text from File to Variable$

Posted by: bypass91 <bypass91@...>

When I get an error, I like to look up the error code ID in a predesigned
text file and extract the text corresponding to the error ID into a string
variable$. I can then use this variable$ as parameter text in an alert

Can this be done without uploading the text file into an edit field and
then doing the search (big file).

I started looking back through all the memos in FB and I found an oldie,
but goodie from the AOL days asking a somewhat similar question. I had
only one thread to this memo and it was not the solution.

>Subj: String to TE
>Date: 96-09-04 15:49:55 EST
>From: BruceM88
>I am trying to read text from a file in a string and put that text into an
>edit field. (There is a reason I am using a string and not reading the
>whole file.) I thought there was some code around here that shows this,
>but I can't find it. Also want to put text from an edit field into a TEXT
>resource. Any ideas? Thanks.
>Bruce M.
