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thank you all

Posted by: the5kims <the5kims@...>

My dear friends ~ What a joy it was to turn on my computer and see all the sweet things that you have written me. Thank you for letting me know that you do not want me to unsubscribe. I should have known that this group would react this way. I felt awful, though, and the thought that I could have done any damage to any of you made me almost sick to my stomach. Really. One of the reasons that I love this group so much is because of the kindness that I read in each of your voices. I have never been on a group that has shown such love in their words to each other. And I have been on other Christian groups too. I feel so blessed that you would want me to stay. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Angelia, I agree with you. Now when it is taking a little extra time for my emails to arrive on my screen, I imagine my friend, NORTON, to be reading everything and making sure I'm not getting a virus. Norton has become a good friend of mine. 🙂 And I have been educated about viruses because of this episode. I only wish that I could learn sometimes without having to do it through my mistakes.

And Peggy I think it was you who said to never open an attachment. I agree with you. I have always heard not to open an attachment. But this came to me from a friend who actually wrote me a letter that was legitimate and then at the bottom of this very real letter it said to "Look at this." So it never occurred to me that it was a virus. But yes, I've learned from this incident. 🙂

Thank you for being such good and sweet friends.
"And let us not become weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap if we faint not." Gal. 6:9