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Thank you everyone from the bottle of my hay!

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>

Yes, we know that not every year is a good hay year. We just happen to have
two really good ones in a row. We've kept 700 square bales in the loft as a
reserve for the bad year and when friends need to buy a few bales of
alfalfa/grass mix.

I want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart if you prayed. I
didn't know how I would approach this whole situation with Tom. Tom just
stopped by to finish baling the rest of the small field. It was still to
green to bale yesterday. I just blurted it right out. I said we need to
talk about the hay. He interupted me and said that he and his wife figured
out the hours he'd spent plus the expenses...they have almost a$100 in just
gas and twine. That he would have to have at least $8 a bale and would be
with him making $8 an hour for his services. I waited, listened then
started again. Tom, we really need you to consider taking 2/3rds of the hay
and leaving us 1/3. He reminded us that we have very lush hay, were we sure
(we just seeded last year). I said absolutely. We'd like to make it a long
term standing agreement if he would agree. He said he'd do it as long as we
wanted to continue. (he thinks we'll end up with our own equipment
eventually and didn't want to bind us to anything) He said while he and his
wife were talking they came to the conclusion that they may be short of hay
for themselves this year. He is not cutting for the other big land owner.
He said he'd rather cut close to home.

I feel so relieved and can't tell you what burden this takes off of us at
least for this year. We'll still end up within 45-50 bales and only need
20-25 but at least it'll be manageable. In regards to shipping the hay out
of state. We cannot square bale because we don't have anyone to square bale
for us. If people are looking for semi loads of square bales I'm sure I can
find it for you though!...Thanks again...Deanna in VERY HOT and HUMID, MN.
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 2:22 PM
Subject: Re: [HomeSteadHeaven] Hay situation and prayer request

> Deanna,
> Just remember a good hay year this year does not mean a good hay year next
> year. Many farmers around here keeping hay from year to year--if they
> the space. I'll have to check to see what my husband says about how many
> bales it takes per cow. We keep around 20-25 head. If it is like last
> the Texas farmers might be happy to come up and get it!
> Nancy in OK
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