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Posted by: amazingraze <amazingraze@...>

It is so hard to believe.  18 years ago today our baby boy was born.  It seems like just a little while ago, that he sang "Seek Ye First" like the never ending song in that little high soprano voice.  There have been so many little things in all of these years that have gone by.  For those of you with little ones, enjoy each day.  They grow up WAY too fast.  We are so thankful that he is a healthy strong man.  We are thankful that he loves the Lord and wants to please Him.  We are thankful that he enjoys being with us.  We are so thankful that God chose our family to put him in.  He is working with godly men learning all sorts of new skills that will be useful throughout his life.  God has been so good to us and we give him all the praise and glory.  We just wanted to share with you our thankfulness and celebration of Joshua's 18th birthday.
Only by His merciful grace,
Mike & Marci
Amazing Graze Farm
He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.