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thanks and potholder pattern/verse

Posted by: dgarnera <dgarnera@...>

Here is a great potholder pattern that I thought I would share with you
all. We are keeping busy, Eimi is working on knitted dishcloths, Jacob
is weaving potholders, I may make a few of these potholders and viola
christmas gifts. I am also spinning, knitting a hat for the baby,
knitting a afghan for my sister, and knitting squares for a freeform
sweater or shawl haven't decided yet.
I wanted to thank you all for your prayers during this crisis. They are
greatly appreciated. The only new news is that they post poned his
polygraph test until next month. This is a disappointment as we were
hoping for supervised visits after he passed his test. This test is to
verify that he has had no contact at all.
A verse that I have been pondering on lately is: Hebrews 12:10 "Our
fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best, but God
disciplines us for our good."
This season has been difficult but has opened my eyes to my areas of
weakness that need to be dealt with. I have been a screamer my whole
life and now I have kids who are screamers and they are driving me
batty!!!! 🙂 My hubby likes is relatively quiet. I would love to deal
with this area and have him come home to a quiet home. God is also
calling me to lean on Him when I am loneliest rather than driving around
town, calling friends, visiting friends, too much computer time etc....
Other issues have come out with my kids that need to be dealt with. So
God is using this season to prune us all.