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"THE 3 AM CHASE" -True Story

Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

NOTE: Susanna Leece has led a radical street-outreach team
for years now. This is quite a powerful story.

Forwarded by: "prophetic" <>

"The 3 AM CHASE"
-Susanna Leece.

One night at 3 a.m. our family pulled into a petrol station. We had
just visited a young couple we regularly saw.

How, my husband, pumped the gas as a car load of young people
arrived. They opened the boot, unloaded a number of gardening
tools - a spade, a shovel, a hoe, other sharp implements & a
machete. I was trying to reason what they would be doing at this
early hour with such things. Another vehicle arrived, and the same unloading.

It was then that the Spirit of the Lord warned me. I asked How to
move our car to a safe place at the side, and I asked my daughter
to phone the police.

A young man bloodied over his face & neck ran across the road
from nearby bushes in absolute terror. The mob of some 20-25
youth took off after him all equipped with sharp tools.

The Holy Spirit spoke to me. Run.

I ran, just as I was told, behind this mob. As I run, the Holy Spirit
tells me, "Tell them, 'Do not kill him. You will go to gaol & you will
answer to God.' "

This is no different to the previous instruction that I have received:
run. Just a different word. I do not add to it, nor do I take away.
His word is enough and is sharper than a two-edged sword
(Hebrews). It will accomplish all it has set out to do. (Isaiah)

As I yell this out over the pursuing mob, they stopped running.
Only one young man challenges me. Who do you think you are?
I answer, An Ambassador for Jesus Christ. He responds, You
don't know what this guy has done! I reply, You don't know what
my Jesus has done. And again, I repeat His word. If you kill him,
you will go to gaol & you will answer to a Holy God. He no longer
challenges me. I speak out. The police are on their way.

The mob disappears into their vehicles. I move very quickly to the
petrol bowsers as cars are moving in every direction. Several girls
are standing in the parking places. "Is this love?" I say to them,
"that your boyfriends would leave you here like this?" It is not safe
& the police are coming. They leave.

As I look around the garage, only one youth is left. He has his
flannelette skirt tied around his waist. In his hand is a baseball bat
& his legs are spread in a position to strike. He is very angry. A
police officer is fronting him, hovering over his weapon.
Confrontation is about to be engaged. I turn to the young man,
my heart so concerned for his welfare & that his youthful wisdom
will put him into a place of great trouble if someone does not help
now. With a voice of authority I say to him, Put that down
(referring to the bat in his hand) & do as you are told. He places
the bat down, and he moves with the officer. Now all is calm, and
my family goes home.

Several weeks later I am called into the police station to give a
statement. The weapons & tools used on that night are assembled
& are leaning against the wall. I am asked to identify them. I can't
say that these are the exact ones, but they are very familiar &
appear to be the same.

My statement is clear. The opportunity to share the Gospel is
now here. Telling the story of how this God of ours still speaks,
and how we His family, can still hear His voice I write down the
very words given to me by the Holy Spirit. One officer confirms
that I saved the young man's life. A private school had been
involved in this violence.

Another officer questions if I had a weapon. Yes, I tell her. The
sword of the Spirit. (Hebrews 4:12) That weapon, plus my
relationship with Jesus, saved this young man's life. Still another
enters the room while I am completing my statement, which
includes the full Gospel & details of how the Lord spoke to me in
that situation. He challenges me, What possessed you to do
such a thing? What a marvellous question! What possesses me?
Jesus, nothing but Jesus. I share my passion for Him, my love for
people, & the purpose of living life - to be a part of building a
kingdom that will have no end.

End result of this encounter: 1) one young man, who has sinned a
great sin against his fellow students, has his life rescued by
Father God; 2) one group of young people saved from their own
anger, who saw & heard the kingdom in action, & who will reflect
in the future what that was all about; 3) several police officers
heard the Gospel, experienced first hand sin and redemption, &
saw one very ordinary woman live it out for Jesus.

Change your world. Spend time with Jesus so that you can hear
His voice so as to preach the Gospel with actions & words. He is
releasing prophetic evangelism & the greatest harvest the world
has ever seen is on its way!!

With passion for Jesus

'Mama' Susanna

(and with great thanks to my husband, How, who has always
stood right by me.)

-'Mama' Susanna & 'Pa' Howard,
Elijah's Thunder Family Ministry,
P.O. Box 71,