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The ABC's of God

Posted by: jas <jas@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry
Copyright (c) 2006, J. Randal Matheny

The ABC's of God

God is good, God is great,
In his hands he holds our fate;
He blinks his eye and breaks the heights,
His nod sends angels on their flights.

God is power, God is strength,
His breath give life the planet's length;
Eternal pain and plight are theirs
Who stumble darkly unawares.

God is life, God is light,
He gives us sense and smell and sight,
The pleasured touch, the playful sound;
In flower and flock our God is found.

God is one, God is wise,
He alone can hear our cries;
To grant our pleas the Lord knows the best,
Or else deny our ill request.

God is love, God is kind,
He would leave no lamb behind;
He'll take to heaven, the Scriptures say,
Only listening sheep who obey.

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