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The Bar on High

Posted by: henkf <henkf@...>

"The Bar on High"

What the Bible says about salvation in terms of judicial pictures.
    I.  The Judge:  God.  ("For God Himself is judge" -- Ps.  50:6).
A.  Human judges may make wrong decisions, but we never have to worry about the heavenly judge erring.
    1.  He "knows all things" (1 John 3:20), every law and every action.
    2.  He "is not unjust" (Heb.  6:10), He is totally righteous and will never be bribed or biased.
B.  God is far more powerful than earthly judges, because He is judge and jury.
    1.  He not only tries the case, but renders the verdict and assigns the sentence.
    2.  These verdicts are never biased, because God does not show partiality (Acts 10:34).
    3.  Further, we can know what His rulings will be, because He has given us His word (John 12:48).
    II.  The Defendant:  All Mankind.
A.  We are all on trial before God, and we all will meet Him in judgment.
B.  More than that, we are all absolutely guilty -- Rom. 3:9-11, 23
    Not framed or taking the rap for someone else.
C.  Further, we all deserve the same penalty, death (Rom.6:23).
    III.  The Prosecutor:  Satan.
A.  Our system of justice is sometimes called the adversarial system.  We truly have an adversary in the Devil.
    1.  His very name in Hebrew and Greek (satan) means "adversary."
    2.  That is why Peter says he is our adversary (1 Peter 5:8).
B.  The devil is "the accuser of our brethren" (Rev. 12:10).
    1.  But his accusations are not made in the interest of truth.
    2.  He is a liar and the father of lies (John 8:44).
C.  Ever heard of entrapment?  That's this prosecutor's speciality.
    1.  This is why the Bible warns about the "deceitfulness of sin" (Heb.  3:13).
    2.  See for example 1 Tim.  6:9.
    IV.  Counsel for the Defense: Jesus.
A.  The Bible says that Jesus is our advocate--1 John 2:1.
    1.  Refers to one called along side to help (cf.  Holy Spirit, "Helper).
    2.  More specifically this word means "intercessor," or "defense attorney" (IVP Bible Background Commentary, p.  738).
    3.  He is a "righteous" Advocate.  "This Advocate does not need to resort to questionable devices to secure acquittal for his clients; he is a             righteous Advocate" (F.F.  Bruce, p.  49).
B.  If you trust Him with your case you will never lose, and He is always ready--Heb.  7:25.
C.  Many defense attorneys only defend clients they believe are innocent.  But Jesus only defends those who plead guilty!
    1.  How?  Non-Christian -- 1 Peter 3:21.
    2.  Christian?  1 John 1:8-9.
D.  This Advocate is unique, because the way He won our exoneration by taking our punishment for us.
    1.  1 John 2:2, propitiation is an offering that turns away wrath.
    2.  Jesus experienced punishment for all sinners on the cross.
    3.  Can you imagine if O.J.  was convicted and sentenced to death Johnny Cochran or F.Lee Bailey volunteering to take his place?
E.  A defendant is reassured to know that his advocate is doing everything he can to win, even when guilty.
    This is the beauty of grace!
    Jesus knows we sin, that we are guilty, but as long as we continue to plead guilty, to acknowledge our sins,
    He ever lives to make intercession for us.  What a blessing!
F.  In summary, go to Romans 8:31-34.
    1.  8:31 God is on our side, and He's the judge!
    2.  8:32 If He would give His Son, He would hold back nothing.
    3.  8:33-34 God, who is on our side, is the Judge.  His own Son is the defense, and with those two on our side, who could bring a charge.          The Devil can howl all night long, but it will not change God's verdict.
1.  Our system of justice is heavily weighted in favor of the defendant.  And for that reason many criminals go free.
2.  God's plan of justice is decisively on the side of those who humbly come to Him on His terms and acknowledge their guilt.
3.  He makes no mistakes, and no one who is unrepentant will go free.
4.  What will your answer be?  And what will your sentence be?


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