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The Baseball Player Friday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"The Baseball Player"  
Almighty Father, you who are called the "Mighty Umpire"
in this game of life, we are not sure what uniforms we should
wear.  While we may be Angels in spirit, in reality we are
Giants in pride, Dodgers of responsibility and Tigers in
ambition.  When it comes to faith, we find ourselves in the
minor leagues.  When it comes to good works, we strike out;
when it comes to knowledge of your Word, we are not even sure
of the ground rules.
Therefore, we are thankful for your mercy when we find
ourselves in foul territory; for your forgiveness when we
commit one error after another; for your uplifting spirit when
we find ourselves in the pitfalls of a slump.
Dear God may our game plan be your will, and our response a
sellout crowd with standing room only.  And, when our number
is retired here on earth, may we rejoice to hear you call out,
"SAFE," in His name who gives final victory to all who
believe! Amen.
"Is Satan A Christian"   
We often hear when someone dies, He didn't go to church but
he was a good Christian man. Millions consider themselves
Christians even though a large percentage have no religious
affiliation. Let us consider what a Christian is in light of Scripture.
 First, is someone a Christian if they believe God exists? In
Genesis 3, Satan speaks of God as alive. Therefore, saying
that we simply believe God exists does not make us a Christian,
because that would make Satan a Christian.
Second, are we a Christian if we believe God is powerful?
In Job 1:10, Satan acknowledges that God controls what
happens to man. Satan was there in heaven, saw creation
and knows the power of God. Accordingly, simply believing
God is powerful is not enough to make one a Christian because
that would make Satan a Christian.
Third, are we a Christian if we read the Bible? In Luke 4:10,11,
Satan quotes Psalm 91:11,12. So reading the Bible, in itself,
does not make someone a Christian because then Satan would
be a Christian.
Fourth, are we a Christian if we believe that Jesus Christ is
the Son of God? James 2:19 says, "You believe that God is one.
You do well; the demons believe, and shudder" (NASB).
On several occasions demons spoke to Jesus or others affirming
their belief in the deity of Christ (Matthew 8:28-31; Luke
4:31-35,40,41; Acts 19:11-17). Therefore, simply believing
Jesus is the Son of God does not make someone a Christian
because then Satan would be a Christian.
Fifth, are we a Christian if we attend church? Paul writes in
2 Corinthians 11:12-15 that Satan transforms himself into
an angel of light while demons transform themselves into
ministers of righteousness. Where would these ministers
go to steal the flock away from God? At least part of the time
they would be at church with the saints. Accordingly,
simply attending church does not make someone a Christian,
or Satan would be a Christian.
Sixth, are we a Christian if we do good deeds? When we do
good deeds we often have personal motives for doing them.
Besides that, we notice Matthew 4:1-11 when Satan tempted
Jesus. Satan's motives were evil, but consider that he was
willing to feed Jesus, protect him if he fell and fulfill Jesus'
desires. Consequently, simply doing good deeds does not
make us a Christian, or Satan would be a child of God.
 All of these things are part of being a Christian. But none
of them alone makes a Christian. Instead, we must become
a new creature (John 3:3-5), which is accomplished by dying
to self and being born again in Christ (Acts 2:38; Romans
6:3,4; Galatians 3:27). When we arise from baptism, we are
a Christian through the gift of God.
 A Christian will live for God by bearing fruit for his kingdom
(James 2:20-26; Revelation 2:10). Scripture requires that we
express love for God by bearing fruit in service to God in
a variety of ways (cf. John 14:15). When we coddle people
by perpetuating the image that anyone who is a good person
is heaven-bound, we further Satan's plans and dilute the
cause of Christ.
Serving God is an absolute not subject to the whims, emotions,
and reasons of men. We are a Christian by the plan of Christ,
not by the changing definitions of men. Let us always stand
for that truth.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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