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The bridge

Posted by: forthrightmag <forthrightmag@...>

Forthright Magazine
Straight to the Cross

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The bridge
 by Paula Harrington

News raced through my community recently when a local,
well-traveled bridge was struck by a large cargo ship.
The collision caused such an impact that a section of
the bridge collapsed. Thankfully, no one was hurt.

Not being a fan of bridges, it reminded me of the day I
traveled over the Seven Mile Bridge in southern
Florida. I remember stealing a glance at the choppy
waters below every now and then, but the road above had
very little traffic. Even though what was going on
below was chaotic, the drive itself was peaceful.

Earthly bridges aren't built to last forever. However,
thousands of years ago, the Creator formed a bridge
between God and man in a relationship so powerful that
regardless of what it encountered, it would never
crumble. We are connected to the King of Kings. The one
who stilled the storms and raised the dead loves us.

What comfort in such unsettled times!

Jesus helps us pass over times of guilt, fear, and
weakness. He gives courage, strength, and resolve. He
chases doubt away, offers forgiveness, and never
forsakes. Earthly bonds will break. They will tumble
under pride, lust, lies, and selfishness but God's
bridge is faithful and stronger than steel.

Our father gave us a peaceful route to travel this
road. He never said there wouldn't be trials,
disappointments, or heartaches. Nor did he promise a
life without temptations or failures.  He did, however,
guarantee a perfect and permanent way.

Too many people connect themselves to the world. Some
well-meaning Christians even connect themselves to the
church and then when someone disappoints them or
something upsets them, they walk away. We must first,
connect ourselves to Christ and then to his people.

Don't get discouraged, Jesus will get us to our
destination. All we have to do is stay on course (2
Timothy 4:8).

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