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The Bridge to Where

Posted by: jas <jas@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry
Copyright (c) 2007, J. Randal Matheny

For a link to the photo that inspired this poem,
go to the Cloudburst website (click link above).
And for fascinating facts about the photo.

by J. Randal Matheny

Where leads the wooden Bridge to Where,
Which foggily ends in mist and air?
Its muted grays in morning green
Speak softly, kindly to me, serene.

The farther bank is cloaked and hidden,
But still my curious eyes are bidden
To pierce what lies just out of sight --
A glade of peace and hale delight?

The Bridge to Where leads to my dreams
Of leafy paths and mountain streams,
Of dappled shades and the languid breeze
Among the groaning limbs of ease.

This Bridge invites my step of trust,
A choice I want, walk I must
For a sated heart from God's supply;
Across this lonely Bridge go I.

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