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The Call

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You have said, Seek My face [inquire for and require My presence as your
vital need]. My heart says to You, Your face (Your presence), Lord,
will I seek, inquire for, and require [of necessity and on the authority
of Your Word]. Psalm 27:8 AMP

As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God.
Psalm 42:1 NIV

Have you heard the call to seek His face? Is your spirit aching for
God? Are you passionately longing for Him, fervently pursuing His
heart? Do you need to be in His presence more than you need air? Does
the very thought of one day gazing upon the beauty of His face fill you
with an inexhaustible yearning? Is His Spirit calling you higher,
drawing you closer to His heart? Are you no longer content with just
being a Sunday morning Christian?

Lest there be confusion, let me explain a bit further. The call I refer
to isn't the call to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord,
although it will only come to those who have already been cleansed by
His blood. Nor is it an invitation to turn our backs on a hurting
world. Rather, this is a call to passionately pursue His glory just as
Moses did. Moses had heard God's voice and received His word, yet from
the depths of his being he cried, "Lord, show me your glory." Once you
have tasted the glory of His presence, nothing else will satisfy the
longing of your heart. Wealth cannot quench it; prestige won't be
enough; addictions can't replace it; neither can persecution hinder the
pursuit of it. There will be a fire in the very depths of your being
that propels you into His arms.

If you have never experienced this call, I invite you to give your heart
and life to the true and living God and His Son, Jesus Christ, who loves
you immeasurably; then ask Him to draw you by His Spirit and place in
you an unquenchable passion for His presence. If you have heard the
call, I implore you: don't ignore it. Let the Bible, the word of God,
become your manna (daily food for your spirit). Fall passionately in
love with your Bridegroom. Dive enthusiastically into adoration of your
Beloved. He will cleanse you, heal you, change you, set you on fire for
Him, and commission you for His service.

Father God, when my heart hears you say, "Come and talk with me," my
heart passionately responds, "Lord, I am coming!" (NLT) Because of the
shed blood of Jesus, I have access to Your throne. Thank You for the
grace that invites me to come boldly into Your presence. Draw me ever
closer to Your cross, to Your heart, to the beauty of Your face. I pray
that each person reading this would be set ablaze with a consuming
passion for your presence. May we set our affections on You, and may
our hearts plead with shameless abandon, "Lord, show me Your glory!" In
Jesus' name. Amen.

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