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THE CALVARY ROAD - Classic Insight

Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

THE CALVARY ROAD - A Classic Insight
-by Roy Hession.

In April, 1947, several missionaries came at my invitation to an
Easter Conference which I was organising. I invited them to come
as speakers, because I had heard that they had been experiencing
Revival in their field for a number of years, and I was interested in
Revival. What they had to say was very different from much of what
I had associated with Revival. It was very simple and very quiet.

As they unfolded their message and gave their testimonies, I
discovered that I was the neediest person in the conference and
was far more in need of being revived than I had ever realised.
That discovery, however, only came slowly to me. Being myself
one of the speakers, I suppose I was more concerned about
others' needs than my own. As my wife and others humbled
themselves before God and experienced the cleansing of the
precious Blood of Jesus, I found myself left somewhat high and
dry--dry just because I was high. I was stumbled by the simplicity
of the message, or rather the simplicity of what I had to do to be
revived and filled with the Spirit.

When others at the end of the conference testified of how Jesus
had broken them at His Cross and filled their hearts to overflowing
with His Holy Spirit, I had no such testimony. It was only afterwards
that I was enabled to give up trying to fit things into my doctrinal
scheme, and come humbly to the Cross for cleansing from my own
personal sins. It was like beginning my Christian life all over again.
My flesh "came again like that of a little child," as did Naaman's
when he was willing to humble himself and dip himself in Jordan.
And it has been an altogether new chapter in life since then.

-Excerpt from Roy Hession's classic book 'The Calvary Road'.