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The Children's Bread (Part 3)

Posted by: bneumann848 <bneumann848@...>

In Part 1, we
looked at what God’s Word says about sickness. As part of the curse, it was
never intended for God’s people. In Part 2, we saw that sickness comes from
Satan and that God wants us well. (Part 3 got delayed by a massive project at


For the
weapons of our warfare are not
carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. (2
Corinthians 10:4)


Does the fact
that God wants us well mean that we never face a symptom?  Quite the contrary.  Satan will fight God’s will at every turn. Remember,
the only reason he comes is to steal, kill or destroy (John 10:10). If he can steal
your health, your peace, your joy; if he can kill your dreams, your hope, your
body; if he can destroy your family, your finances, your church – then he has
hurt God’s greatest love – you.


do what you can in the natural. Some people feel condemned if they go to a
doctor - as though it means they don’t have enough faith. That simply isn’t
true. Healthy eating, moderate exercise, sufficient water, vitamins, over the
counter medications, and yes, a doctor’s care are all tools in keeping sickness
at bay. We’ve only been given one body and we should do our best to take proper
care of it.


your position. You’re not the sick trying to get healed; you’re the healed
fighting off sickness. It has no right or place in you. In John 14:30 (Amp), Jesus told
His disciples that “the prince (evil genius, ruler) of the
world (Satan) is coming. And
he has no claim on Me. [He has nothing in common with Me;
there is nothing in Me that belongs to him, and he has no power over Me.]


your mind. Our minds have to be renewed to the principles of a higher kingdom –
God’s kingdom. We have to abide in His Words and let His Words abide in us
(John 15:7) until His thoughts become our thoughts and we are changed from the
inside out.


“Pursuit of His Presence” (Kenneth Copeland Publications), Kenneth Copeland states:
“One of the operating principles of faith is to go to God on the basis of His
provision – not on the basis of your need.” Go to God on the basis of His Word
- His covenant with you. Go to Him on the basis of what Jesus accomplished on
the cross. Don’t beg Him to heal you. Don’t demand Him to prove Himself. Remind
yourself what His Word says about healing. Rehearse it. Let it be in your mouth
and in your ears until the dynamic truth of it overwhelmingly dominates every lying


His blessings. Remember the victories He has given in your life, how He saved
you, the miracles He’s done in your family or in others you know. Why? It
strengthens your faith. He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we
can ask or even think (Ephesians 3:20). I’ve been told the word “testimony”
literally means “do it again.” If He’s done it before, He will do it again.


your body healed. God calls things that be not as though they are (Romans 4:17).


worship. Let worship music fill your home, your car, your heart, your mouth. Focus
on the goodness and awesomeness of God. Here are a couple of great ones to get
you started (you may have to skip an ad to get to the music):

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