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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

-by Bill Wilson.

During the weekend of November 13, many Christian churches
across the United States began a series of sermons aimed at
bringing about reconciliation between Muslims and Christians.
These misguided Presbyterian ministers are trying to focus on a
relationship between the Holy Bible and the Koran they call
“Chrislam.” They are saying that because the Koran mentions
Jesus that there is common ground with Christianity. To prove their
point, they are placing Korans along side the Holy Bible in their
pews. And they are teaching that you can be a follower of Christ
without necessarily believing that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of
God, who died for our sins offering the gift of eternal salvation.

Writes commentator Paul Williams:

“The Chrislam movement has gained impetus by statements from
President George W. Bush and that Christians, Jews, and
Muslims all worship the same God and by Rick Warren’s
reference to Isa (the Muslim name for Jesus) in his prayer at the
inauguration of President Barack Obama.”

Williams points out that Jesus in the Koran is not the
only-begotten Son of God nor the Messiah. Williams says,

“He is rather viewed as a prophet who was appointed by Allah to
prepare mankind for the coming of Mohammad.” In the Koran,
Williams reminds readers, “The victim at Calvary, Islam teaches,
was either Simon of Cyrene or Judas Iscariot.”

The Koran states in Sura 5:17, “In blasphemy indeed are those
that say that God is Christ the son of Mary. Say: “Who then hath
the least power against God, if His will were to destroy Christ the
son of Mary, his mother, and all every-one that is on the earth?
For to God belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth,
and all that is between. He createth what He pleaseth. For God
hath power over all things.” The Koran has many verses that
command the followers of allah to kill Christians and Jews if they
do not convert to Islam. There is absolutely no common ground
between the Holy Scriptures and the Koran when these are the
mandates of the prophet Mohammed, who wrote the Koran.

Jesus said in John 14:6,

“I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the
Father, but by me.”

This is the central doctrine of Christianity. There is instruction by
the Holy Scriptures to not fellowship with those who do not
recognize the truth in this doctrine. 2nd John verses 9-11 say,

“Whoseover transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ,
hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath
both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring
not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him
God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his
evil deeds.”

Thus are those deceivers who believe in common ground with Islam.

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