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The Christmas Poem

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Starting today and everyday now till the Christmas season is over there will be one or more Christmas Inspirations with each days material.

*** The Christmas Poem ***

C is for the Christ child lying in a manager.

H is for the Holy One who saved us all from danger.

R is to Remember Him who died that we may live.

I is to Inspire us that we may always give.

S is for joyful Songs and sacred hymns that praise.

T is to Thank the Lord for showing us the way.

M is for the Miracles that bless us each day.

A is for the Almighty who always puts us first.

S is for the Shepherd who guides us on earth.


*** In The Beginning To Amen ***

There's a book we call the Bible it contains God's Holy Word.

From Genesis to Revelation, the most amazing things I've heard.

It tells of earth's creation from, "In the beginning to Amen".

And how God became flesh to save this world from sin

Out of the dust God formed Adam,

From Adam's rib He made Eve

Then placed them in a garden, and met their every need

When along came a serpent, and he told Eve a lie

Did God say, if you eat that fruit, surely you would die?

Soon man became so evil, it grieved God in his heart

So He told Noah to go and build an ark

After Noah, his family and the animals, all had entered in

God shut the door and flooded the earth to

Cleanse this world from sin

All throughout the Bible men were called to do God's will

But Jesus paid for all our sins upon Golgotha's Hill

When He said, "It is finished", nothing else could be done

He has the keys to Death and Hell, the battle has been won.

Today's the day of salvation so come to Jesus now

Soon every tongue shall confess and every knee shall bow

To praise the King of all kings, in Heaven He will reign

Always and forever we'll praise his holy name.

God wrote the words in my heart

To Him I give all the praise and glory

Thanks Sallie for sending this to us.


1. Encourage someone today. We never know what a human heart is bearing.

2. Do an anonymous deed of kindness.

3. Smile at people. See how many will smile back. (You will be surprised!)

4. Overlook offenses. Getting even only leads to sorrow.

5. Think before you speak. Wrong words bruise the soul.

6. Go the extra mile. Somewhere, sometime, someone has done that for you.

7. Be nice to your body. Eat healthy, exercise, keep a joyful spirit and your body will be happy.

8. Find humor in your day. Laughter is good for the soul.

9. Be thankful. You will find your blessings far outweigh your problems. Every morning thank God for His kindness.

10. Spend time in prayer and grow spiritually.

A joyfull spirit adds life to your years. You may have had a painful past, but it doesn't have to be your future. Be joyful today and every day.

Remember, "If you stop peddling you fall!"

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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