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The Colors of Easter

Posted by: tz8cy5 <tz8cy5@...>

(pop this one in your files for next Spring...)

The Colors of Easter

When we picture Easter colors we picture in our mind yellows and greens
pastel pinks and blues. We think of variegated Easter eggs and ribbons on
bright colored baskets. Spring has sprung and colors are in the air.
Including the bright colored birds and bumblebees. There are flowers of every
color and size, every shade and shape. Easter: the time to feel lighthearted
and shed a few clothes. Easter: the time to spring clean opening doors and
windows. Easter: the time to fill children's thoughts with the idea of gifts
and something sweet received for the looking.

For one minute can I ask you to open your mind to the true colors of Easter?
I believe Red is one of the colors of Easter. Red was the color of the sweat
that poured from my sweet saviors brow as he asked his father," if possible
let this cup pass from me nevertheless not as I will but thou wilt be done."
Red was the color of the blood that lay across what was left of the back of
Jesus after the cat of nine tails dug in ripping and pulling flesh away from
his ribs. Red was the color of the blood on his sweet face after he was
beaten and had his beard pulled out by the handfuls. Red was the color of the
blood that fell from his forehead when they beat the crown of thorns piercing
to the bone. Red was the color of the blood that poured from his side when
they pierced him to prove that he was dead.

Purple is a color of Easter. Purple was the color that Jesus' back shone
bruised for our Transgressions. Purple was the color of Jesus' swollen face
and eyes showing us there was no pride only humility and a feeling of being
forsaken by his beloved father. Purple is a color of Easter because it is the
color of royalty. It is the color of the garment that covered Jesus the King
of the Jews as they laughed and scorned Jesus.

Black is one of the colors of Easter. It is the color of sin that so easily
took over the eyes of the people that chanted," Barabbus release Barabbus".
Black was the color of the sixth to the ninth hour over all the land. About
the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice saying, "My God My God, why
have you forsaken me. "Black was the color of the tomb where they laid the
body of Jesus as they rolled the stone in front of it's mouth.

White is a color of Easter. White is the color of the robe they took from
Jesus before they scourged him. White is the color of purity that we can
receive from the death of Jesus on that cross. White is the color of the
slate of one of the robbers that asked Jesus to remember him when he comes
into his kingdom. White was the color of the linens that lay empty in the
tomb. White was the olor of the angels clothes that asked Mary why she was
weeping. Yes White is one color of Easter because it is the color of purity.
Symbolizing the purity we can receive through the death of Jesus on that
cross and the forgiveness of sins seeing he took them on himself so we can be
saved. Easter is the time for shedding things. Shedding weights of sin and
shame so we can feel lighthearted. It is the time to open doors and windows
of our heart so Jesus can sweep clean our slate. It is time to look for the
treasures in the word so we can be filled with he sweet nectar that only
comes from the Spirit of God. Remember the Easter Colors Red Purple Black and
White this Easter.

But more so remember what they symbolize. The True Colors of Easter. Jesus
said, "If you are ashamed of me, I will be ashamed of you before my Father."

Yes, I do love God. He is my source of existence and my Savior. He keeps me
functioning each and every day. Without Him, I will be nothing. Without Him,
I am nothing. But with Him, I can do all things through Christ that
strengthens me. Phil 4:13