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"The DESERT SHALL BLOOM" - Important word

Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

NOTE: 'M.N' is an intercessor that I know who has been praying
steadfastly for Revival for years and years. I found her word below
particularly significant for this hour:

-by 'M.N'.

Knowing that you are a student of revivals and their cycles, I felt
impressed to share with you that which the Lord has been speaking
to me about "the desert shall bloom".

In mid October, my husband called my attention to a lilac bush in
our yard. He called me over to "see this strange sight". About a
year ago, we planted 3 lilac bushes and during the summer 2 of
them completely died out and we had to dig them up, but the third
one had signs of life left so we decided to just leave it alone until
next spring to see if it would live. Strangely enough, in mid October
it blossomed and bloomed. This is strange in itself because lilacs
are spring blooming bushes and they do not bloom in October.

It continued to blossom even after a couple of frosts into the first
week of November. Strange indeed! The Lord spoke to me on a
personal level, but I kept hearing in my spirit, "the desert shall
bloom" and believed this also had a corporate application for the
Body of Christ. I continued to pray and inquire of the Lord for
further understanding, as well as do some research on "the desert
shall bloom".

Isaiah 32:15-16, "till the Spirit is poured upon us from on high, and
the desert becomes a fertile field, and the fertile field seems like a forest."

Isaiah 40:3-5, "A voice of one calling: 'In the desert prepare the
way for the LORD; make straight in the wilderness a highway for
our God. Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill
made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places
a plain. And the glory of the LORD will be revealed, and all
mankind together will see it.'"

As I did some research on the desert blooming, I found that Death
Valley in California had received record breaking rains this past
spring and burst into what was being called, "the 100 year bloom".
People from all over the world came to see "this strange sight" as
the glory of the Lord was being revealed:

[Louis Sahagun of the Los Angeles Times - March 13, 2005-

"DEATH VALLEY -- The wettest year on record here has
transformed this forbidding wilderness of scruffy mountains and
buckled earth into a vividly unfamiliar world of wildflowers and
reflecting pools.... bright yellow, pink, white, and deep purple
blossoms spreading in all directions.

Another surprise: Badwater, usually the site of a salty pond nearly
encircled by massive gray cliffs, features a lake 5 miles wide and
kayakers and wind surfers gliding over its whitecaps.

''It's not Death Valley at all," visitor Wendy Cutler said. ''I'm calling
it Full of Life Valley."

The dazzling panoramas are drawing huge crowds of tourists and
some scientists, eager to take in the scenery before the millions
of desert flowers die in the harsh summer sun.

''It's our best bloom in history, and the flowers are getting better by
the day," said park naturalist Charlie Callagan. ''I'm telling folks,
'Hey, you may not see it this good again in your lifetime.' "

Rainfall in this 3.3 million-acre expanse averages less than 2
inches a year. In some years, there is no rain at all.

But this rain year, measured from July to June, ''we've already had
6.19 inches of rain, a record, and we're only eight months into the
season," Callagan said... the wettest period since recordkeeping
for the park began in 1911." - Source-].

'M.N' again:
This timing of these record breaking rains is very interesting as it
coincides with the 100 year anniversary of the Azusa Street
Revival, also in the State of California. Could it be perhaps that
the Lord is speaking to us from His Word that, "The spiritual did
not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual."
(1 Corinthians 15:46)? Is it time for the 100 year rain of the Spirit
to burst forth upon us?

As servants of the Lord, do we have eyes to see out onto the
horizon "A cloud as small as a man's hand is rising from the sea"?
(1 Kings 18:44).

It is time to declare the Word of God to speak life to things that
appear as though dead, and to see with eyes of faith a cloud
arising as the rain of the Holy Spirit is about to be poured out upon
our "death valleys" as the Lord turns them into "full of life valleys".

I am believing for it and I am contending for it by faith! (Jude 3).