Quote from Forum Archives on November 8, 2007, 3:52 pmPosted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
-by Andrew Strom.People hate it when David Wilkerson talks about it - and they hate
it just as much when I talk about it. But right now I have to bring
it up again because of what is happening. Yesterday WorldNetDaily
published the following:"Alarm: China signals flight from dollar
Investment CEO says he's 'never seen people more nervous'An unprecedented signal from senior Chinese leaders that the
Asian economic giant might abandon the U.S. dollar sent
shockwaves through the markets today as the Dow Jones
Industrial Average lost 360 points and the greenback fell to a
record low against the euro.
Xu Jian, a Chinese central bank vice director, told a conference in
Beijing, "The dollar is "losing its status as the world currency."
Meanwhile, at the same meeting, Cheng Siwei, vice chairman of
China's National People's Congress, said, "We will favor stronger
currencies over weaker ones, and will readjust accordingly."Craig Smith, CEO of Swiss America Trading Corp., told WND he's
been in the investment business for 30 years and has "never seen
people more nervous."
Alarmed by today's economic news, he dispatched a note to
brokers with a warning of ominous potential consequences if
China and other trading partners abandon the dollar.
"If that were to happen, all bets are off, and we will be in a
depression that makes 1929 look like child's play," he said, "or
we will experience Weimar Republic inflation as the dollar makes
extreme moves toward devaluations." [- ]A. STROM Again: Actually, according to all the data that I have
seen, the Dollar situation is not even the worst of the problems.
There is a global Credit Crunch underway - affecting giant banks
and Investment companies the worst - and every day we are
getting news of MULTI-BILLION dollar write-downs. All of this
is linked to the Housing and Mortgage crisis in America - and
its effects are being felt worldwide. -And it is growing worse.This Credit crisis by itself actually threatens the entire SYSTEM -
no exaggeration. And it is already underway - NOW. Many
international banks are in crisis mode already - but how long it
takes to reach "Main Street" is difficult to know. There is already
some fallout. For instance, giant retailers such as Wal-Mart
reported yesterday their worst October in over a decade. But this
is just the beginning of sorrows.As one commentator put it today: "The dollar fell another 2 per
cent last night, gold soared to $840 per ounce, oil topped $98 per
barrel, General Motors reported a $39 billion loss after the market
closed on Tuesday, the real estate market continued its downward
slide, and the major investment banks are marching in lock-step
towards bankruptcy..."For many months now we have been saying that this Housing
bust will be the worst (by far) that this nation has ever seen. This
is no longer a "controversial" viewpoint. Even many of the most
mainstream economists now openly admit the same thing.The "D-WORD" that I mentioned in the title of this article is, of
course, the word "DEPRESSION". I continue to stand by my
statement of many months ago that within 3 years this nation
will be in a terrible financial depression - possibly the worst that
it has ever seen. Right now, things are right on track to see this
fulfilled.But WHY??
The answer to this question mostly lies in one word - "GREED".
There has been an absolute orgy of Greed in this country - from
the Investment Bankers selling shady Mortgage-Backed Securities
to the condo flippers and Real Estate Appraisers and "Junk Bond"
specialists and "Liar's Loan" officers. And what is left is an absolute
mountain-pile of shameful, unethical financial garbage - which
nobody is willing to swallow any more. -And then there are the
DERIVATIVES. -A market worth over $400 TRILLION which, if it
ever gets infected by this toxic junk (-which is close to happening),
may cause the WORST SYSTEMIC AVALANCHE that the world
has ever seen.GREED is the word. At the end of the day, all of this has been for
the love of the Almighty Dollar.In fact, even CHRISTIAN AMERICANS love the Almighty dollar
so much that they are willing to make up ENTIRE DOCTRINES
to prove that God loves money just as much as they do. It is a
new kind of gospel - never seen in the history of the world before.
The Americans invented it and spread it around the earth. And
now, even in REVIVAL COUNTRIES, this gospel of greed is
taking over. Carter Conlon says that he was in a poor African
nation recently where there are 700,000 little children living without
parents on the streets - and yet the PASTORS ARE DRIVING
BMW's and preaching SELFISH PROSPERITY. Where did they
get such sickness? -They got it from America. We beam it to
them live by satellite.And this is why I believe God is about to make an EXAMPLE of
the USA. -He has to. All the nations follow her lead. The entire
church worldwide looks to her for guidance. And she has become
a center of corruption and spiritual sickness almost without
precedent in the history of the world. She has made the whole
earth "drunk" with her fornications, her movies, her MTV, her music,
her rebellion, her love of money. And so I am convinced that God
is about to make an 'example' of her before all nations. He cannot
have a "Christian" country spreading such things in the earth.When I am in Nigeria again this February I plan to preach this very
thing. -That God is making an example of America so that all the
nations will fear. -That this is what happens when you follow a
creed of "God wants me rich", of pleasure-seeking, materialism,
selfishness and greed. -That God is about to demonstrate to the
whole earth what will happen to such a nation. Do you think He
is just going to stand by and watch us ruin His Revivals forever?God has a controversy with you, America. He is girding Himself
up for war. I hope you are ready to find out what it is like to get
yourself on God's "wrong side".Enjoy the coming Christmas, America. It may be your last really
enjoyable one for a very long time.This article is being discussed at-
A watchman of the Lord,
Andrew Strom.
Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
-by Andrew Strom.
People hate it when David Wilkerson talks about it - and they hate
it just as much when I talk about it. But right now I have to bring
it up again because of what is happening. Yesterday WorldNetDaily
published the following:
"Alarm: China signals flight from dollar
Investment CEO says he's 'never seen people more nervous'
An unprecedented signal from senior Chinese leaders that the
Asian economic giant might abandon the U.S. dollar sent
shockwaves through the markets today as the Dow Jones
Industrial Average lost 360 points and the greenback fell to a
record low against the euro.
Xu Jian, a Chinese central bank vice director, told a conference in
Beijing, "The dollar is "losing its status as the world currency."
Meanwhile, at the same meeting, Cheng Siwei, vice chairman of
China's National People's Congress, said, "We will favor stronger
currencies over weaker ones, and will readjust accordingly."
Craig Smith, CEO of Swiss America Trading Corp., told WND he's
been in the investment business for 30 years and has "never seen
people more nervous."
Alarmed by today's economic news, he dispatched a note to
brokers with a warning of ominous potential consequences if
China and other trading partners abandon the dollar.
"If that were to happen, all bets are off, and we will be in a
depression that makes 1929 look like child's play," he said, "or
we will experience Weimar Republic inflation as the dollar makes
extreme moves toward devaluations." [- ]
A. STROM Again: Actually, according to all the data that I have
seen, the Dollar situation is not even the worst of the problems.
There is a global Credit Crunch underway - affecting giant banks
and Investment companies the worst - and every day we are
getting news of MULTI-BILLION dollar write-downs. All of this
is linked to the Housing and Mortgage crisis in America - and
its effects are being felt worldwide. -And it is growing worse.
This Credit crisis by itself actually threatens the entire SYSTEM -
no exaggeration. And it is already underway - NOW. Many
international banks are in crisis mode already - but how long it
takes to reach "Main Street" is difficult to know. There is already
some fallout. For instance, giant retailers such as Wal-Mart
reported yesterday their worst October in over a decade. But this
is just the beginning of sorrows.
As one commentator put it today: "The dollar fell another 2 per
cent last night, gold soared to $840 per ounce, oil topped $98 per
barrel, General Motors reported a $39 billion loss after the market
closed on Tuesday, the real estate market continued its downward
slide, and the major investment banks are marching in lock-step
towards bankruptcy..."
For many months now we have been saying that this Housing
bust will be the worst (by far) that this nation has ever seen. This
is no longer a "controversial" viewpoint. Even many of the most
mainstream economists now openly admit the same thing.
The "D-WORD" that I mentioned in the title of this article is, of
course, the word "DEPRESSION". I continue to stand by my
statement of many months ago that within 3 years this nation
will be in a terrible financial depression - possibly the worst that
it has ever seen. Right now, things are right on track to see this
But WHY??
The answer to this question mostly lies in one word - "GREED".
There has been an absolute orgy of Greed in this country - from
the Investment Bankers selling shady Mortgage-Backed Securities
to the condo flippers and Real Estate Appraisers and "Junk Bond"
specialists and "Liar's Loan" officers. And what is left is an absolute
mountain-pile of shameful, unethical financial garbage - which
nobody is willing to swallow any more. -And then there are the
DERIVATIVES. -A market worth over $400 TRILLION which, if it
ever gets infected by this toxic junk (-which is close to happening),
may cause the WORST SYSTEMIC AVALANCHE that the world
has ever seen.
GREED is the word. At the end of the day, all of this has been for
the love of the Almighty Dollar.
In fact, even CHRISTIAN AMERICANS love the Almighty dollar
so much that they are willing to make up ENTIRE DOCTRINES
to prove that God loves money just as much as they do. It is a
new kind of gospel - never seen in the history of the world before.
The Americans invented it and spread it around the earth. And
now, even in REVIVAL COUNTRIES, this gospel of greed is
taking over. Carter Conlon says that he was in a poor African
nation recently where there are 700,000 little children living without
parents on the streets - and yet the PASTORS ARE DRIVING
BMW's and preaching SELFISH PROSPERITY. Where did they
get such sickness? -They got it from America. We beam it to
them live by satellite.
And this is why I believe God is about to make an EXAMPLE of
the USA. -He has to. All the nations follow her lead. The entire
church worldwide looks to her for guidance. And she has become
a center of corruption and spiritual sickness almost without
precedent in the history of the world. She has made the whole
earth "drunk" with her fornications, her movies, her MTV, her music,
her rebellion, her love of money. And so I am convinced that God
is about to make an 'example' of her before all nations. He cannot
have a "Christian" country spreading such things in the earth.
When I am in Nigeria again this February I plan to preach this very
thing. -That God is making an example of America so that all the
nations will fear. -That this is what happens when you follow a
creed of "God wants me rich", of pleasure-seeking, materialism,
selfishness and greed. -That God is about to demonstrate to the
whole earth what will happen to such a nation. Do you think He
is just going to stand by and watch us ruin His Revivals forever?
God has a controversy with you, America. He is girding Himself
up for war. I hope you are ready to find out what it is like to get
yourself on God's "wrong side".
Enjoy the coming Christmas, America. It may be your last really
enjoyable one for a very long time.
This article is being discussed at-
A watchman of the Lord,
Andrew Strom.