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The Echo of Life Tuesday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

The Echo of Life

A man and his son were walking in the forest.
Suddenly, he
trips and feeling a sharp pain he screams, "Ahhhhhh!"
he hears a voice coming from the mountain, "Ahhhhh!"
Filled with
curiosity, he screams, "Who are you?" but the only
answer he
receives is, "Who are you?" This makes him angry, so
he screams,
"You are a coward!" and the voice answers, "You are a

He looks at his father, asking, "Dad, what is going

"Son," the man replies, "pay attention!" Then he
"I admire you!" The voice answers, "I admire you!"
The father shouts, "You are wonderful!" and the voice
"You are wonderful!"

The boy is surprised, but still can't understand what
is going on.

The the father explains, "People call this an 'echo'
but truly
it is 'life!' Life always gives you back what you
give out.
Life is a mirror of your actions. If you want more
love, give
more love. If you want more kindness, give more
kindness. If
you want understanding and respect, give understanding
and respect.
If you want people to be patient and respectful to
you, give
patience and respect. This rule of nature applies to
aspect of our lives."

Life always give you back what you give out. Your
life is not
a coincidence, but a mirror of your own doings.
Author unknown

New Years Rwquest

During the final hours of 2004 I'll review my possible
grades in various subjects. Dare I gloat and boast
that my report card will be the best ever? Or should
I hang my head in shame knowin' that Divine Grading
might show me to be lackin' in more than a few
subjects? Meanwhile...a related incident... I felt
the force to share Patsy Clairmont's story (from her
book: God Uses Cracked Pots)...She sent her 6 yr old
son Jason off to school one morning. After he boarded
the bus, she busied herself in the kitchen. A few
minutes later her doorbell rang. When she answered it
- there stood Jason who declared, "I've quit school."
Tryin' to be patient the mother asked, "Why?" He
replied, "It's too's too hard and it's too
boring." His mother answered, "You've just described
life. Get back on the bus." Patsy realized
afterwards that she often told God about how long,
hard and boring life was and she admitted that God
most likely advised her, to "... get back on the bus."

Gather 'round and imagine me bent over my desk with
pen and paper before me...grading myself on thoughts,
words and actions the last twelve months. Please
curb your eagerness to see my year end final
grades....why spoil your pre-celebration hours.
Maybe it'd be easier if I'd guess what kinds of
questions Our Holy Teacher will ask me. "This is
your test, My Child. Be honest with your responses.
Should your grades be weak in certain areas, you can
redeem yourself with prayer and works of mercy to/for
family, friends and your community. Have you ever
considered bein' a full time volunteer in 2005? Here
is My Grading Scale: A - Astounding
B - Better than average C - Could
improve D - Didn't try much
F - Forgot Golden Rule All you do is rate
yourself on the following and forward your replies to
Me. The Lord...

-Patience -Prayers -Understanding of others
-Listening Opportunities -Thanksgiving -Helping the
homeless, hungry, jobless -Pouting -Worrying
-Apologizing for wrongdoing -Asking for forgiveness
-Judgment those around me -Visiting the shut-ins
-Sending notes/letters to the lonely -Coveting
neighbors' goods -Recognizing personal failings
-Appreciation of life each day -Complaints about
unimportant things -Boasting about accomplishments
-Hosting self-pity parties -Humility -Modest Attire
-Sharing smiles -Frownin' less -Negativity -Positive
attitude -Ignored angels unaware

Lord, You know my answers already. Forgive me for
my weaknesses....Help me to improve in all things.
Teach me how to carry my crosses with faith, strength
and determination. Remind me that You are ever with
me. Mentor me on improved thoughts, words and
actions in the coming year. Let me not forget the
lyrics from a song... Spirit of kindness, Spirit of
love, Descend upon me, like a dove,
Fill this hunger, deep in my soul, Holy Spirit make
me whole. Lord, teach me to be more like
You.....Encourage me to learn lessons from past
mistakes and to avoid temptations. If I try to get
off of Your School Bus, please stop me. One more
thing, Lord. Please see to it in 2005 that I will
admit when I am wrong and that I will be easy to live
with when I am right.

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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