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THE EYE of THE LORD - by David Wilkerson

Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

by David Wilkerson

While in prayer today, the Holy Spirit directed me to Psalm
33. The Spirit whispered to my inner man that there were
three nuggets of truth I should share with you in this
portion of Scripture. They are as follows:

1. "Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him,
upon them that hope in his mercy; to deliver their soul
from death, and to keep them alive in famine" (Psalm
33:18-19). Notice the admonitions: "Fear him." "Hope in
his mercy." The word "fear" here does not refer to a
slavish, cowering fear. Rather, it speaks of the awesome
awe of his great mercy to even the worst of sinners.

Last night I was brought to tears after counseling a
Christian brother who had fallen into an old sin. He had
consequently fallen into deep depression, insisting that
God was punishing him, getting even for his transgression.
I pleaded with him to hope in God's mercy - that God was
not mad at him, because the Lord in his everlasting mercy
never turns away from any of his hurting, repentant

God is your keeper. He will keep you from spiritual death.
He will keep you alive in times of spiritual famine - if
you will fully believe and hope in his mercy.

2. "Our soul waiteth for the Lord: he is our help and our
shield" (33:20). Verses 13-14 of this Psalm tell us, "The
Lord looketh from heaven; he beholdeth all the sons of men.
>From the place of his habitation he looketh upon all the
inhabitants of the earth."

As we walk with Jesus, there is not a moment in our lives
when his eye strays from us. All things are open to his
sight. The problem is, we do not really believe this. In
times of deep affliction, we sometimes think he could not
be focused on us and that there must be something missing
in our theology. Otherwise, we reason, "Why have I hurt so
badly for so long? Why is my cry not being heard?"

What do we do when we can't see a way out - when we reach a
dead end where there seems to be no answers - and we find
ourselves at wit's end? Verse 33 answers us: "Our soul
waiteth for the Lord: he is our help and our shield." This
may sound like unworkable theology, but it is not. In
fact, this is the only way out of any and all troubling
times: to wait in confidence that God's eye is ever on us.
He will come through in his time, which will prove to be
the right time.

3. "Our heart shall rejoice in him, because we have trusted
in his holy name. Let thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us,
according as we hope in thee" (33:21-22).

Recently, I proved this passage true. I was called to
settle a dispute that seemed humanly impossible to solve.
I set my heart to wholly trust God to do the work - to give
me words and to send the Holy Spirit to move the hearts of
those involved. At first, it seemed like everything would
fall apart. But I waited, trusting. When I left, the
issues were still unsolved - but still I waited in faith.
Later that night, I was called. Those at odds had fallen
on their knees and repented, and a great miracle happened
before the day ended.

Faith works. And waiting with rejoicing works miracles.


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