The 'GATHERING' AUDIO CD's - any donation - PLEASE REPLY?
Quote from Forum Archives on March 23, 2006, 1:45 pmPosted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
AUDIO CD's from the 'GATHERING' in KANSAS CITY - any donation.PLEASE ~REPLY~ to reserve your copies.
As I said, we had an awesome time in Kansas City over the
weekend, and I believe the messages on these CD's are amongst
the most powerful that we have ever put out. As always, we are
making them available for ~Any~ Donation, even just 'postage' money.Here are details about the 4 messages on these CD's:
-Can you imagine being a comfortable preacher in a 300-member
church - with a brand new church building, a flash new home in
the country, a nice new car - and suddenly God shows up asking
you about the "JUDGMENT of the SHEEP & the GOATS" out of
Matthew 25? Can you imagine how thunderstruck you would be
when God asks- "So how many of your people are REALLY sheep,
and how many are goats?" -This is exactly what happened to
David Kirkwood - and here he describes the tremendous shock -
and what followed."HOW to EXPERIENCE PERSONAL REVIVAL" -by Andrew Strom.
What are the practical steps to coming into a 'Revived' state? How
can we actually experience a "personal" Revival? -Here Andrew
draws on all his years of studying Scripture and Revival history -
as well as his own experiences - to bring people into a true
understanding of "How to be REVIVED"."COMING UP FROM the WILDERNESS" -by Bryan Hupperts.
I am so glad that we invited Bryan to share on this topic. What
he shares here will be so valuable and powerful for so many
people. Bryan has experienced years of 'crushing' and "death" in
the wilderness - far more than most. Here he shares the deep
lessons he learnt - and also the secrets to 'Coming up from the
Wilderness.' -Very insightful."SALVATIONS and HEALINGS AMONGST the HOMELESS" - by
Darren Smith.
Imagine being a 'Red-neck' drug dealer - and suddenly God gets
hold of your heart and won't let go. You become a successful
pastor, but God is calling you back to the streets - to the homeless,
the gang-bangers, the addicts and the prostitutes. And so you obey
the call, and God begins to move. -This is Darren's powerful story.HOW to GET THESE CD's:
As you know, we offer these kinds of things for ~ANY~ donation -
even if you can only afford to cover the postage cost. (-Which is
only $1.40 in America). Seriously! We do not want people missing
out just through lack of finances. Now obviously, if you can afford
to send a 'donation' that would be great. (-Just pray and ask God
how much to send). But if you can only afford the 'postage', then
that is fine. Just send that and we will get the CD's to you. No problem!(-The postage cost for these CD's in America is $1.40, but for
New Zealand or Australia I am afraid it is NZ $7.90. -Very sorry).JUST TWO THINGS you need to do:
Firstly, you need to REPLY to this email, so that we know how
many people are wanting them.Secondly, simply send in your donation.
The easiest way to send your donation is probably through PAYPAL.
Simply go to our web-page below to do this:- you can simply mail a check or Money Order to the following address:
Andrew Strom,
PO Box 9852,
Kansas City,
MO 64134,
USA.(Please remember to include your ADDRESS). And we will get
these CD's off to you ASAP.I look forward to hearing back from you if you want the CD's, my friends.
God bless you all!
Andrew Strom.
Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
PLEASE ~REPLY~ to reserve your copies.
As I said, we had an awesome time in Kansas City over the
weekend, and I believe the messages on these CD's are amongst
the most powerful that we have ever put out. As always, we are
making them available for ~Any~ Donation, even just 'postage' money.
Here are details about the 4 messages on these CD's:
-Can you imagine being a comfortable preacher in a 300-member
church - with a brand new church building, a flash new home in
the country, a nice new car - and suddenly God shows up asking
you about the "JUDGMENT of the SHEEP & the GOATS" out of
Matthew 25? Can you imagine how thunderstruck you would be
when God asks- "So how many of your people are REALLY sheep,
and how many are goats?" -This is exactly what happened to
David Kirkwood - and here he describes the tremendous shock -
and what followed.
What are the practical steps to coming into a 'Revived' state? How
can we actually experience a "personal" Revival? -Here Andrew
draws on all his years of studying Scripture and Revival history -
as well as his own experiences - to bring people into a true
understanding of "How to be REVIVED".
"COMING UP FROM the WILDERNESS" -by Bryan Hupperts.
I am so glad that we invited Bryan to share on this topic. What
he shares here will be so valuable and powerful for so many
people. Bryan has experienced years of 'crushing' and "death" in
the wilderness - far more than most. Here he shares the deep
lessons he learnt - and also the secrets to 'Coming up from the
Wilderness.' -Very insightful.
Darren Smith.
Imagine being a 'Red-neck' drug dealer - and suddenly God gets
hold of your heart and won't let go. You become a successful
pastor, but God is calling you back to the streets - to the homeless,
the gang-bangers, the addicts and the prostitutes. And so you obey
the call, and God begins to move. -This is Darren's powerful story.
As you know, we offer these kinds of things for ~ANY~ donation -
even if you can only afford to cover the postage cost. (-Which is
only $1.40 in America). Seriously! We do not want people missing
out just through lack of finances. Now obviously, if you can afford
to send a 'donation' that would be great. (-Just pray and ask God
how much to send). But if you can only afford the 'postage', then
that is fine. Just send that and we will get the CD's to you. No problem!
(-The postage cost for these CD's in America is $1.40, but for
New Zealand or Australia I am afraid it is NZ $7.90. -Very sorry).
JUST TWO THINGS you need to do:
Firstly, you need to REPLY to this email, so that we know how
many people are wanting them.
Secondly, simply send in your donation.
The easiest way to send your donation is probably through PAYPAL.
Simply go to our web-page below to do this:-
Or you can simply mail a check or Money Order to the following address:
Andrew Strom,
PO Box 9852,
Kansas City,
MO 64134,
(Please remember to include your ADDRESS). And we will get
these CD's off to you ASAP.
I look forward to hearing back from you if you want the CD's, my friends.
God bless you all!
Andrew Strom.