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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

The "GATHERING" - WISCONSIN - July 20 - 23.

SPEAKERS: "Brother David", Andrew Strom, Darren Smith + more

Entry is NO CHARGE but you MUST REGISTER - see below.

The THEME of this Gathering is somewhat different from the past.

"BROTHER DAVID" - I'm sure you remember the newspaper article
that we published a couple of weeks ago about his recent exploits.
David will be showing video footage and describing what happened -
as well as talking about ministry in the third world.

Other topics to be covered at this event include:-
-'Proper relationships' in the Body of Christ, with God and one another.
-'Jesus Christ as Lord' - Is He or Isn't He?
-What the Church should look like in the world.....
Ministering to the poor, etc.
-The Priesthood of Believers, Discipleship, spiritual maturity, and

(Simple offerings with no hype will be taken, to cover costs, etc).

DATES: July 20 - 23. (-It will begin Thursday evening at 7:00 pm
and end on Sunday the 23rd at Noon).

VENUE: Renaissance Gates, 706 Ridge St, Mineral Point,
WI 53565 (-1st floor Meeting Room).

This Gathering has no charge, but you must make a reservation
to attend. To register, simply send an email to- <>
And they will send you a registration form.

Seating is limited, so please register as EARLY as possible.

Make your own lodging reservations at Platteville Country Inn
Suites. Phone: 1-608-348-7373.
Mention the 'Drawing Closer Conference' for a discount rate of
$80. There is a block of rooms reserved for a limited time.
(Hotel website- )
The motel is 15 minutes away from the Venue location.

Description of SESSIONS:

Thursday at 7:00pm-
Darren Smith will be giving his testimony of sorts (giving some
background of the hows/wheres/whys of where he is today)

Friday 4:00-6:00pm:
David Kirkwood will be speaking at a 'Leaders Dinner.'
There is a small cost for this - must make reservations by July 15.
(Call Dean 608-574-9603 or Shirlene 608-341-9603)

Friday 7:30pm:
Andrew Strom will be sharing on 'Being the Church'... ministering
to the poor, etc.

Saturday sessions-
9:30 am, 1:30 pm, 7:00 pm:
David, Andrew, Darren, and others will be ministering throughout the day.

Sunday morning - starts 9:30am. (-Finishes around noon).


Contact Dean or Shirlene Funk- EMAIL - <>
PHONE- Dean 608-574-9603 or Shirlene 608-341-9603.

We are all excited to be coming together with our dear friends in
Wisconsin - whom we have known and ministered alongside for
some time. Please pray about whether God wants you to attend
this event. We look forward to seeing you in Wisconsin if you can
make it, my friends.

God bless you all.