Quote from Forum Archives on April 23, 2002, 11:26 amPosted by: Shalomyshua <Shalomyshua@...>
{Y'shua said to some Pharisees, who were worried more about the letter of the law than its spirit}, "The Scripture says, 'It is kindness that I want, not animal sacrifices,'." {Matthew 12:7}Imagine that you gave a birthday party for your little daughter. Imagine that as she unwrapped each gift she kept the paper and trashed the gift. This absurd example gives us an insight into what the Pharisees were doing. They were turning religion into something that G-d never meant it to be. The Pharisees were keeping the paper {G-d's laws} and trashing the gift {G-d's love}.
Y'shua came to tell us that His Father is a people person! Empty religion gets in the way of the love of G-d moving in people's lives. Messiah Y'shua reveals to us that G-d is always more concerned about the needs of people. The Pharisees were more interested in their religiosity than they were in seeing that human needs were met. The heart of any synagogue or church or religious institution or system must be a sincere love for G-d and other people!
Jo-ann said that the word of Y'shua in today's message invite us to ask ourselves: To what extent might we might be in danger of doing what the Pharisees were doing: trashing the gift of G-d's love and keeping the paper it was wrapped in. She means that it is not enough just to read her Bible, in devotion time, each morning. Then we must put the writing {The paper} into real action {His love to others.}
Lord, help us to realize that religion is
not a list of things to do! But it is a person
to be followed. It is not a set of laws to be followed,
but a life of Y'shua's love to be lived!Pastor Dick and Jo-ann
Posted by: Shalomyshua <Shalomyshua@...>
Imagine that you gave a birthday party for your little daughter. Imagine that as she unwrapped each gift she kept the paper and trashed the gift. This absurd example gives us an insight into what the Pharisees were doing. They were turning religion into something that G-d never meant it to be. The Pharisees were keeping the paper {G-d's laws} and trashing the gift {G-d's love}.
Y'shua came to tell us that His Father is a people person! Empty religion gets in the way of the love of G-d moving in people's lives. Messiah Y'shua reveals to us that G-d is always more concerned about the needs of people. The Pharisees were more interested in their religiosity than they were in seeing that human needs were met. The heart of any synagogue or church or religious institution or system must be a sincere love for G-d and other people!
Jo-ann said that the word of Y'shua in today's message invite us to ask ourselves: To what extent might we might be in danger of doing what the Pharisees were doing: trashing the gift of G-d's love and keeping the paper it was wrapped in. She means that it is not enough just to read her Bible, in devotion time, each morning. Then we must put the writing {The paper} into real action {His love to others.}
Lord, help us to realize that religion is
not a list of things to do! But it is a person
to be followed. It is not a set of laws to be followed,
but a life of Y'shua's love to be lived!
Pastor Dick and Jo-ann