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The Glory of God

Posted by: aneumann <aneumann@...>

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Psalm 19:1 NIV

We had an absolutely gorgeous sunrise this morning! Streaks of crimson gave way to bright orange, then to burnt gold. The heavens truly declared the glory, the splendor, the majesty of Almighty God.

I must admit there have been many days when I've missed the sunrise. It's not that there were clouds in the sky necessarily, but there were clouds in my heart - clouds of doubt and hurt and bitterness that pressed their way in and came between me and the Son. Beneath the ominous clouds the world becomes a very dark and lonely place. There is little hope and even less joy. But I've come to bring good news today: the intensity of the storm is but a whisper compared to the power of our God! Reach up to Him and He will reach down to you, my friend. Then you, too, will be able to declare the glory of God!

Heavenly Father, I thank You that You know where each person is today in their life and in their walk with You. God, I ask You to hold each one in Your loving embrace today, as only You can. Please let them know that they are precious in Your sight and that You love them with an everlasting love. I pray that You would work all things together for their good today and, Lord, if it's not time to calm the storm, please calm Your child in the midst of it. In Jesus' precious name I pray. Amen.

© Andrea Neumann
September, 2003