The Good Fight
Quote from Forum Archives on April 17, 2013, 1:10 pmPosted by: bneumann848 <bneumann848@...>
Fight the good fight of faith. (1 Timothy
There is an interesting game that occurs in our home between my 2 ½-year old yellow Lab and my 14 ½-year old
Australian Shepherd. The Lab drops her toy very near the Aussie and then lays
down nose-to-nose with her. While the Aussie tries to protect the toy, the Lab annoys
her by gently nudging her feet, neck, ears – anything she can reach. When the
Aussie gets fully distracted and thoroughly frustrated, the Lab grabs the ball
and takes off – often only to come back and start it again.
We likewise have an enemy that wants to bombard
us with mindless distractions, numerous frustrations and seemingly major
setbacks until we come to the place of quitting the fight. He has no real power
against the weapons of the cross, so he employs the unfair tactics of intimidation,
confusion, distraction, offense, depression, fear – whatever works to cause us
to put down our Sword.
The good fight is the fight we win! How do
we fight the good fight? By truly believing (not just giving mental assent to) what
God says in His word and then acting on it.
For example, you can mentally agree that Jesus died on a cross all day
long, but that knowledge won’t save you unless you fully accept that He
suffered the agony of the cross for YOU, to pay the price for YOUR sin debt,
then ask Him to forgive YOUR sin and be YOUR Savior, and confess Him as such
(Romans 10:9-10). Likewise, Philippians 4:19, Isaiah 53:5, 2 Corinthians 5:17,
Ephesians 6:10-18 (et al) do little if we merely give mental agreement to them.
Remind God of His word, put His word to work by acting on it, and watch the
Word work in your life. Fight the good fight!To subscribe: <>
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Posted by: bneumann848 <bneumann848@...>
Fight the good fight of faith. (1 Timothy
There is an interesting game that occurs in our home between my 2 ½-year old yellow Lab and my 14 ½-year old
Australian Shepherd. The Lab drops her toy very near the Aussie and then lays
down nose-to-nose with her. While the Aussie tries to protect the toy, the Lab annoys
her by gently nudging her feet, neck, ears – anything she can reach. When the
Aussie gets fully distracted and thoroughly frustrated, the Lab grabs the ball
and takes off – often only to come back and start it again.
We likewise have an enemy that wants to bombard
us with mindless distractions, numerous frustrations and seemingly major
setbacks until we come to the place of quitting the fight. He has no real power
against the weapons of the cross, so he employs the unfair tactics of intimidation,
confusion, distraction, offense, depression, fear – whatever works to cause us
to put down our Sword.
The good fight is the fight we win! How do
we fight the good fight? By truly believing (not just giving mental assent to) what
God says in His word and then acting on it.
For example, you can mentally agree that Jesus died on a cross all day
long, but that knowledge won’t save you unless you fully accept that He
suffered the agony of the cross for YOU, to pay the price for YOUR sin debt,
then ask Him to forgive YOUR sin and be YOUR Savior, and confess Him as such
(Romans 10:9-10). Likewise, Philippians 4:19, Isaiah 53:5, 2 Corinthians 5:17,
Ephesians 6:10-18 (et al) do little if we merely give mental agreement to them.
Remind God of His word, put His word to work by acting on it, and watch the
Word work in your life. Fight the good fight!
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