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The Ice Cream Girl

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

<><> The Ice Cream Girl <><>
Eleanor didn't know what was wrong with Grandma.  She was always
forgetting things, like where she put the sugar, when to pay her bills,
 and what time to be ready to be picked up for grocery shopping. 
"What's wrong with Grandma?" Eleanor asked.  "She used to be such a
neat lady. 

Now she looks sad and lost and doesn't remember things."  
"Grandma's just getting old," Mother said.  "She needs a lot of love
right now, dear."
"What's it like to get old?" Eleanor asked.  "Does everybody
forget things?  Will I?"
"Not everyone forgets things when they get old, Eleanor.  We
think Grandma may have Alzheimer's disease, and that makes her forget more. 
We may have to put her in  a nursing home to get the proper care she needs."   

"Oh, Mother!  That's terrible!  She'll miss her own little house so
much, won't she?"

"Maybe, but there isn't much else we can do.  She'll get good
care there and make some new friends." 
Eleanor looked sorrowful.  She didn't like the idea at all. "Can we
go and see her often?" she asked.  "I'll miss talking to Grandma,
even if she does forget things." 
"We can go on weekends," Mother answered.  "We can take her a
"Like ice cream?  Grandma loves strawberry ice cream!" Eleanor
"Strawberry ice cream it is!" Mother said. 
The first time they visited Grandma in  the nursing home,
Eleanor wanted to cry.  "Mother, almost all of the  people are in
wheelchairs," she said.
 "They have to be.  Otherwise they'd fall," Mother explained.
"Now when you see Grandma, smile and tell her how nice she looks."
Grandma sat all by herself in a corner of the room they called
the sun parlor.  She  sat looking out at the trees. 
 Eleanor hugged Grandma.  "Look," she
said, "we brought you a present - your favorite, strawberry ice cream!"
Grandma took the Dixie cup and the spoon and began eating without
saying a word.
"I'm sure she's enjoying it, dear," Eleanor's mother assured
"But she doesn't seem to know us."  Eleanor was disappointed.
"You have to give her time," Mother said.  "She's in
new surroundings, and she has to make an adjustment."  
But the next time they visited Grandma it was the same. 
She ate the ice cream and  smiled at them,  but she didn't say anything.
"Grandma, do you know who I am?" Eleanor asked.  "You're the
girl who brings me the ice cream," Grandma said.
"Yes, but I'm Eleanor, too, your granddaughter. Don't you remember me?"
she asked, throwing her arms around the old lady.
Grandma smiled faintly. "Remember? Sure I remember. You're the
girl who brings  me ice cream."  
Suddenly Eleanor realized that Grandma would never
remember her.  Grandma was living in a world all her own, in a world
of shadowy memories and loneliness.
 "Oh, how I love you, Grandma!" she said.  Just then she
saw a tear roll down Grandma's cheek.
"Love," she said.  "I remember love." 
"You see, dear, that's all she wants," Mother said.  "Love."
"I'll bring her ice cream every weekend then, and hug her even if she
doesn't remember me," Eleanor said.   After all, that was more
important - to remember love rather than someone's name.

<><> I'M Only Human <><>
Lord, I'm only human.
I have human needs.
Sometimes my heart aches.
At times, my soul bleeds.
I don't always do
Everything that I should.
But I try very hard
To sow the seeds that are good.
Sometimes, Satan
Gets in the way
And that's when I have to
Kneel down and pray;
Asking Deliverance,
from his evil clutches...
When he leans upon me,
with his demonic crutches.
For, I'm only human.
I'm not Perfect like You
Even though I'm a Christian,
I make mistakes, too.
So, Lord, I may stumble
And, sometimes, I might fall.
But, that's the way I was made.
I'm only human, that's all.

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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