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Posted by: spiritualdigest <spiritualdigest@...>

Dear Beloved,


"That night the king could not sleep; so he ordered the
book of the chronicles, the record of his reign, to be
brought in and read to him" (Esther 6:1, NIV).

Let me wish you this: "Your benefactor will not be able
to sleep! He who will help you will not have rest!" Can
you say Amen to it? Please do emphatically. Is this a
good wish? Yes, it is. However, the wish has to be
modified to remove any form of doubt from it. "Your
benefactor will not be able to sleep or rest until
he/she really helps you!" Amen and Amen.

The above passage rekindles this wish in me. Mordecai
was a Jewish captive in the city of Susa. He was one of
the gatemen in the palace of King Xerxes of Persia. He
had uncovered a conspiracy that two of the king's
servants were planning against the king. This was
recorded in the book of the annals in the presence of
the king (see Esther 2:21-23). Nevertheless, he was not
rewarded in anyway for this. When Haman, an enemy of
the Jews was planning to destroy the Jews because of
Mordecai, the king could not sleep that night. The
inability to sleep of the king made him to order his
servants to bring the book of the record of his reign
to him. As they were reading the records, the action of
Mordecai was mentioned. The king inquired about the
reward that Mordecai received for it. When he realized
that he has not been rewarded, he ordered Haman to
honor him accordingly. The inability to sleep of the
king brought honor and recognition to Mordecai.

There was a similar incidence when Samuel went to
anoint one of the sons of Jesse as the next king of
Israel. Jesse had forgotten David, his youngest son
taking care of the sheep in the field. When Samuel got
to know that there still remained one more son of
Jesse, he said, "Send for him; WE WILL NOT SIT DOWN
until he arrives" (1 Samuel 16:11, NIV). Samuel and
others did not sit down until David came, and was
anointed king of Israel.

Can you deduce anything from the two incidences? The
benefactors could not rest until they actually did what
they suppose to do. Your benefactors will not be able
to rest until they have actually help you!

If God is putting it in your mind to be a benefactor to
any one, have you actually done what God wants you to
do to that person? If you also want rest, you have to
do it today! Remember, the king could not sleep….

In His service,

Bayo Afolaranmi (Pastor).

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