The last temptation of Jesus
Quote from Forum Archives on February 12, 2016, 6:06 pmPosted by: forthrightmag <forthrightmag@...>
Jon Galloway posted: "As Jesus approached the time of betrayal, it would seem he did so with the same apprehension that you or I would have had. What lied ahead of him was the worst events you could image from either a physical or spiritual perspective. Physically it was one "
New post on Forthright Magazine
The last temptation of Jesus
by Jon GallowayAs Jesus approached the time of betrayal, it would seem he did so with the same apprehension that you or I would have had. What lied ahead of him was the worst events you could image from either a physical or spiritual perspective.
Physically it was one of the most torturous deaths that humans had ever devised: crucifixion. The Romans had taken this form of execution to the heights of torture and humiliation, as well. From what I understand, they knew exactly where to put the nails to inflict the most excruciating pain possible. Read more of this post
Jon Galloway | February 12, 2016 at 5:02 pm | Tags: crucifixion, gethsemane, God's Will, Jesus' temptation, submission | Categories: Articles, Bible Bytes | URL:
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Posted by: forthrightmag <forthrightmag@...>
Jon Galloway posted: "As Jesus approached the time of betrayal, it would seem he did so with the same apprehension that you or I would have had. What lied ahead of him was the worst events you could image from either a physical or spiritual perspective. Physically it was one "

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