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Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Two men were walking in a field when a bull charged them.
One man scampered up a tree
while the other stood defiantly in the bull's path.
'Get up here, you idiot!' called the man in the branches.
'The Lord will protect me!' retorted the other man.
The bull butted the man vehemently
and went on his way triumphantly,
leaving the obstinate fellow dazed and confused.
The first man came down from the tree
to help his bruised friend.
'I thought for sure the Lord would help me!'
complained the injured man.
'He tried,' answered his friend.
'Didn't you hear Him calling you from the tree?'
A request for help from an unseen power
often manifests itself through earthly channels.
God's wonders are not restricted
to supernatural miracles.
Often miracles occur through people
and tangible messages here on earth.
If you are looking for an answer
to a question or problem,
you may receive it through physical means.
Someone may hand you a book,
invite you to a lecture,
or speak a phrase that resonates within you.
You may feel a tingling in your spine, get goosebumps,
or simply feel a sense of clarity or fulfillment.
Be sensitive to your feelings and energies
when such a sign is presented.
The word 'angel' means 'messenger,'
and your message may come
anytime through any means.
Stay awake to listen!
Help me stay open to hear Your voice.
Let me receive Your answer and act upon it.
I act upon the messages Spirit sends me."
Author Unknown
"Hypocritical Complaints"
A Christian once visited a farmer to talk to him about Christ. "I wouldn't come to church up there." the farmer said. "I know old so and so (insert a name) church goer who claims to be a Christian and So and So (insert another name) church goer who claims to be a Christian and they don't live any differently from me. I'm as good as they are."
Everywhere the farmer went he told about the hypocrites in that Church. Months passed and the Christian went to see the farmer again. "I want to buy a hog", said the Christian. The farmer showed all his best hogs to him. Then they came to the runt. "I believe I will take that one" the, Christian said.
The farmer replied, "BUT you don't want that one. He's the worst runt to the litter."  "I sure do" said the Christian. So they loaded the runt in the truck.
"Now" said the Christian, "what if I take this pig here from your farm and ride all over this area telling folks that this is the kind of hogs you raise?"  "That's not fair!" the farmer exclaimed. "I have some nice hogs and you want to show people that runt?!"
The Christian replied, "If it's fair for the church it's fair for the farm!"
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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