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Posted by: henkf <henkf@...>


**CHAKAM School of the Bible**



                           THE MERCIFUL, MT 5:7




The Beatitudes have order

  (1) We have often noted that the Beatitudes are not arranged accidentally or haphazardly, but systematically.

     -- The beginning of spiritual life is without poverty of spirit, Mt 5:3.

     -- This person mourns over his sins, Mt 5:4

     -- Meekness, submission to the will of God, Mt 5:5

     -- Hunger for righteousness -- obeys the gospel, Mt 5:6.

  (2) Now the Beatitudes deal with Christian living.

     -- The first four deal with coming to Jesus.

     -- The last four with how to live as Christians.

  (3) The 1st of these Christian living principles deals with mercy, Mt 5:7.


 I. The Principle.


  (1) The gospel of Christ places its primary emphasis on "being" rather than "doing".

     -- What we "are" rather than what we "do".

     -- Before Jesus tells us how to act, He tells us what to be.  We have to be Christians before we can act like Christians.  Because we are Christians, we act in certain ways.  It is useless for us to insist on doctrinal purity if at the same time we are oblivious to the presence of unloving, unmerciful, and judgmental attitudes within the church.  If we         are to avoid the moral and spiritual stagnation that beset the Jews, if we are going to keep the grace of God and the power of Jesus in our lives, we must strive for that spirit of  mercy which has always characterized true religion in God's eyes.

     -- Apple tree produces apples because it is an apple tree.

     -- Mt 7:16-20 - good fruit comes from good trees.

     -- The first thing Jesus teaches we are to be after obeying the gospel is merciful.

   (2) An emphasis on mercy is fundamental to the teachings of Jesus.

      -- Lk 6:36

      -- One of the weightier matters of the law. Mt 23:23

   (3) The meaning of "mercy" is often misunderstood.

      -- Not easygoing, turning our heads from sin, refusing to see evil, or pretending we  don't see it, offering excuses for sin, i.e. "boys will be boys", "that's just the way he is".

      -- not mere pity or sympathy, or pain of heart over tragedy.

   (4) Mercy is a word of action (attitude + action)

      -- Thayer: "Kindness or goodwill toward the misery of others, joined with a desire to relieve them"

      -- The Good Samaritan "showed mercy", Lk 10:36, 37

      -- 10 lepers asked for mercy, Lk 17:13.

      -- Publican asked for mercy, Lk 18:13.

      -- man asked Jesus to have mercy on his son, Mt 17:15.

   (5) Mercy must be personalized.

      -- Easy to be merciful to the general public.

        (1) Write an impersonal check to a charitable organization, i.e. United Way.

        (2) Feel that the world needs to be evangelized.

        (3) Mercy can't be programmed without making it personal.

      -- But to be personally involved is much more demanding.

        (1) Help those you see (Good Samaritan didn't say, "I've already given".

        (2) Teach those who are lost next door, across the street, at work.

  (6) How can we actualize our mercy?

     -- Prayer

        (1) prayer is the "basic ministry of Christian mercy" ( James Tolle)

        (2) I Tim 2:1; III John 2

     -- Caring for physical needs

        (1) Jesus was merciful toward the whole man -- body and spirit.

        (2) I John 3:17,18;  Jam 1:27; 2:15,16

     -- Caring for spiritual needs

        (1) this is the ultimate mercy expressed.

        (2) Gal 6:1;  Jam 5:19,20

        (3) the merciful encourage repentance and growth in others.

   (7)  What then is mercy?

       -- crawling inside another person's skin so that we can see with their eyes, think with their thoughts, understand their needs from their viewpoint --- and then doing what is necessary to help that person.


 II. The Promise.


   (1) The promise to the merciful is mercy in return, Mt 5:7

   (2) Only the merciful are promised mercy

      (1) Jam 2:13; Ps 18:25;  Mt 7:2; 6:14,15

      (2) The matter is plain:

          (a) Refuse to do good, God will withhold good from you.

          (b) Do well and receive good.

   (3) An important lesson must be learned.

      -- The church is to strive for doctrinal purity.

      -- Yet there is a danger becoming so involved in accurateness that we lose sight of the basic elements of Christianity, Mt 23:23.

   (4) Oh, how we all need our hearts filled with mercy toward others.

      -- This is genuine happiness.

      -- This is the promise of God.


 III. Conclusion.


   (1) II Tim 1:16-18.

   (2) On that day we will all need the mercy of God.

   (3) We will receive it if we show mercy now.

   (4) Does mercy characterize your life?

















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