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The Mule Thursday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

The Mule
Once there was a farmer who owned an old mule.  One day the
mule fell into the farmer's well and the farmer heard the mule
praying or whatever mules do when they fall into wells.  After
carefully assessing the situation, the farmer sympathized with
the mule, but decided that neither the mule nor the well was
worth the trouble of saving.

Instead, he called all his neighbors together, told them what
had happened and enlisted them to help haul dirt to bury the
old mule in the well and put him out of his misery.

Initially, the old mule was hysterical, but as the farmer
and his neighbors continued shovelling and the dirt hit his back,
a thought struck him. It dawned on him that every time a shovel
load of dirt landed on his back, he could shake it off and step up!
This he did, blow after blow.  "Shake it off and step up ... shake it
off and step up...shake it off and step up!"

He repeated this to encourage himself.  No matter how painful
the blows, or how distressing the situation seemed, the old mule
fought "panic" and just kept right on shaking it off and stepping up!

It wasn't long before the old mule, battered and exhausted,
finally stepped triumphantly over the wall of that well! What
seemed like it would only bury him actually helped him...all
because of the manner in which he handled his adversity.


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6 Isaiah 10:14
1 c. Psalms 55:21
2 c. Jeremiah 6:20
4 1/2 c. each 1st. Kings 4:22
2 c. each 1st. Samuel 30:12
1 c. Genesis 24:17 or Hebrews 5:12
1 c. Numbers 17:8
4 tsp. 1st Corinthians 5:6
1 tsp. mixed 1st. Kings 10:10
1/2 tsp. Leviticus 2:13
1 Tbsp. Matthew 3:4

In mixing bowl A: Work one cup Psalms 55:21 to a cream,
together with two cups Jeremiah 6:20. Add six well beaten Isaiah 10:14. Slowly stir in one tablespoon Matthew 3:4.

In mixing bowl B: Sift four and one-half cups 1st Kings 4:22.Add one-half teaspoon Leviticus 2:13 and four teaspoons 1st Corinthians 5:6 as well as one teaspoon mixed 1st Kings 10:10. Now to bowl A mixture, add bowl B mixture, alternately with one cup Genesis 24:17 or Hebrews 5:12. Beat vigorously. Fold in 2 cups of each of 1st. Samuel 30:12 and one cup Numbers 17:8. Pour into well oiled pan and place also a pan of water in oven. Bake two, to two and one-half hours at 300 degrees.

Have a Blessed Day


Dave and Barbara

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