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The Old White House Wednesday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"The Old White House"
Just two little boys walking down a dusty lane....They came
upon this old white house...with broken window panes.
The paint was faded, the shine was gone....the grass had
grown so high.....still they made their little feet go see
what was inside.
They opened up the squeaky door and then it came to
light.... This must have been an old church house...once
upon a time.
Dirty, dusty wooden pews... a pulpit that still stood...
A bible lay upon it.... though the pages weren't too good.
An offering plate and song books too...were lying on the
floor. They must have left this old church fast...the day
they closed these doors.
And over in the corner a piano was still must
have played a pretty tune...but I guess nobody cared.
So little Bill looked up at Tom my...and Tommy looked at
Bill... Why don't we clean this old church up, and get
these old pews filled?"
They took a rag and wiped the try and make things
shine.. And then they took the offering plate...and
put in it their last dime.
They took a broom and swept the floor..and picked up
broken glass.... They got it all so nice and neat...and then
they mowed the grass.
They lifted up the old church sign...and stood it by a
tree...right down by that old dirt road....where
everyone could see.
They ran back home, to find Daddy gone...but their Momma
was inside.... Just to find her hurt again...where
Daddy had made her cry.
" Don't cry Momma, wipe those tears, " Little Bill and
Tommy smiled... "Cause we have a big surprise for
you...just down the road a mile."
Hand in hand they tugged at her...until they made her run.
"What is it Bill, Oh Tommy, Just what have you two kids done?"
And then they came upon the house...once hidden by the
weeds...and there it stood a country church...just
like it used to be.
"But what is it, Mother? What's with your tears? We
thought this would bring you joy."
"Yes, but hush kids now and listen two
sweet precious boys."
They both got quiet and stood real still....for the words
they heard so true....was Daddy praying in the
church...with his head bowed on the pew.
"Forgive me Lord! Forgive me Lord! though I'm not worthy of
Your love... shine down on this sinner man... sweet
Salvation from above."
"For I've been out in the world, You my life
all wrong....until I came upon this church; the place
where I belong."
"I never noticed it before...all those times I passed it
up....I guess I wasn't looking, Lord....or maybe I was drunk."
Bless oh Lord, yes, bless oh Lord.. .the one who made me
see.... this little church that used to hide...behind
all those tall weeds."
And then he raised his head and stood....with his hands
high in the find two, dirty, tear-faced
boys...with Momma standing there.
They ran up to him, hugged him their tears fell
on the floor. " Don't worry kids; I'm not the Dad, the
one you've known before."
Things are different for us keep on those
pretty smiles...and let's go gather people walk down
these church aisles."
Then Bill looked up at Tommy...and Tommy looked at
Bill..."Come on brother; let's get to get these
old pews filled."
"For we need no special blessing...for cleaning up
this church.. cause, God gave us back our Daddy...and
that's more than gold is worth."
Sunday morning, pews all filled....and smiles on every
face...Especially two little country boys...the ones
who found this place.
Though it was hid back in the weeds....and so far out of
sight... Nothing's ever hard to find...if you're
walking toward God's light.
The Master was searching for a vessel to use;
On the shelf there were many - which one would He choose?
Take me, cried the gold one, I'm shiny and bright,
I'm of great value and I do things just right.
My beauty and lustre will outshine the rest
And for someone like You, Master, gold would be the best!
The Master passed on with no word at all;
He looked at a silver urn, narrow and tall;
I'll serve You, dear Master, I'll pour out Your wine
And I'll be at Your table whenever You dine,
My lines are so graceful, my carvings so true,
And my silver will always compliment You.
Unheeding the Master passed on to the brass,
It was widemouthed and shallow, and polished like glass.
Here! Here! cried the vessel, I know I will do,
Place me on Your table for all men to view.
Look at me, called the goblet of crystal so clear,
My transparency shows my contents so dear,
Though fragile am I, I will serve You with pride,
And I'm sure I'll be happy in Your house to abide.
The Master came next to a vessel of wood,
Polished and carved, it solidly stood.
You may use me, dear Master, the wooden bowl said,
But I'd rather You used me for fruit, not for bread!
Then the Master looked down and saw a vessel of clay.
Empty and broken it helplessly lay.
No hope had the vessel that the Master might choose,
To cleanse and make whole, to fill and to use.
Ah! This is the vessel I've been hoping to find,
I will mend and use it and make it all Mine.
I need not the vessel with pride of its self;
Nor the one who is narrow to sit on the shelf;
Nor the one who is bigmouthed and shallow and loud;
Nor one who displays his contents so proud;
Not the one who thinks he can do all things just right;
But this plain earthy vessel filled with My power and might.
Then gently He lifted the vessel of clay.
Mended and cleansed it and filled it that day.
Spoke to it kindly. There's work you must do,
Just pour out to others as I pour into you.
Author Unknown

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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