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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

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Date sent: Sun, 18 Jan 2004 17:15:23 EST

Mel Gibson's "The Passion" Impacts Washington
-Paul Harvey.

I really did not know what to expect. I was thrilled to have
been invited to a private viewing of Mel Gibson's film "The
Passion," but I had also read all the cautious articles and
spin. I grew up in a Jewish town and owe much of my own
faith journey to the influence. I have a life long, deeply held
aversion to anything that might even indirectly encourage
any form of anti-Semitic thought, language or actions.

I arrived at the private viewing for "The Passion", held in
Washington DC and greeted some familiar faces. The
environment was typically Washingtonian, with people
greeting you with a smile but seeming to look beyond you,
having an agenda beyond the words. The film was very
briefly introduced, without fanfare, and then the room
darkened. From the gripping opening scene in the Garden
of Gethsemane, to the very human and tender portrayal of
the earthly ministry of Jesus, through the betrayal, the
arrest, the scourging, the way of the cross, the encounter
with the thieves, the surrender on the Cross, until the final
scene in the empty tomb, this was not simply a movie; it
was an encounter, unlike anything I have ever experienced.

In addition to being a masterpiece of film-making and an
artistic triumph, "The Passion" evoked more deep reflection,
sorrow and emotional reaction within me than anything
since my wedding, my ordination or the birth of my children.
Frankly, I will never be the same. When the film concluded,
this "invitation only" gathering of "movers and shakers" in
Washington, DC were shaking indeed, but this time from
sobbing. I am not sure there was a dry eye in the place.
The crowd that had been glad-handing before the film was
now eerily silent. No one could speak because words were
woefully inadequate. We had experienced a kind of art that
is a rarity in life, the kind that makes heaven touch earth.

At the end of the film, after we had all had a chance to
recover, a question and answer period ensued. The
unanimous praise for the film, from a rather diverse crowd,
was as astounding as the compliments were effusive.
The questions included the one question that seems to
follow this film, even though it has not yet even been
released. "Why is this film considered by some to be
"anti-Semitic?" Frankly, having now experienced (you do
not "view" this film) 'the Passion' it is a question that is
impossible to answer. A law professor whom I admire
sat in front of me. He raised his hand and responded
"After watching this film, I do not understand how anyone
can insinuate that it even remotely presents that the Jews
killed Jesus. It doesn't." He continued "It made me realize
that my sins killed Jesus" I agree.
(2) Comment by DAVID LIMBAUGH:

How ironic that when a movie producer takes artistic
license with historical events, he is lionized as artistic,
creative and brilliant, but when another takes special care
to be true to the real-life story, he is vilified. Actor-producer
Mel Gibson is discovering these truths the hard way.

>From Gibson's perspective, this movie is not about Mel
Gibson. It's bigger than he is. "I'm not a preacher, and I'm
not a pastor," he said. "But I really feel my career was
leading me to make this. The Holy Ghost was working
through me on this film, and I was just directing traffic. I
hope the film has the power to evangelize."

Even before the release of the movie, scheduled for March
2004, Gibson is getting his wish. "Everyone who worked
on this movie was changed.

There were agnostics and Muslims on set converting to
Christianity...[and] people being healed of diseases."
Gibson wants people to understand through the movie, if
they don't already, the incalculable influence Christ has
had on the world. And he grasps that Christ is controversial
precisely because of WHO HE IS - GOD incarnate. "And
that's the point of my film really, to show all that turmoil
around him politically and with religious leaders and the
people, all because He is Who He is."

Gibson is beginning to experience first hand just how
controversial Christ is. Critics have not only speciously
challenged the movie's authenticity, but have charged that
it is disparaging to Jews, which Gibson vehemently denies.
"This is not a Christian vs. Jewish thing. '[Jesus] came
into the world, and it knew him not.' Looking at Christ's
crucifixion, I look first at my own culpability in that."

The moral is that if you want the popular culture to laud
your work on Christ, make sure it either depicts Him as a
homosexual or as an everyday sinner with no particular
redeeming value (literally). In our anti-Christian culture, the
blasphemous "Last Temptation of Christ" is celebrated, and
"The Passion" is condemned. But if this movie continues
to affect people the way it is now, no amount of cultural
opposition will suppress its force and its positive impact on
lives everywhere.