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The "price" of Christianity

Posted by: mestes <mestes@...>

Hello ladies,

Something has happened to us that I want to share. I don't often pay a "price" for my relationship with Christ, but recently, it did "cost" me something.

We've been raising our children to be truthful in every circumstance. I was not raised that way. I wasn't taught to lie outright, but some lies were considered OK. We understand that we must be truthful in all things.

Chris, my 17 yos, got a speeding ticket for doing 45 in a 40 mph zone. He was doing it and went to court to seek mercy. He pleaded guilty, got no mercy and paid the ticket. If he had pleaded not guilty, he would have probably gotten off with driver school.

Then, he got a ticket for doing 89 in a 65 mph zone. He was not doing it. So, back to court we go. Everyone else was pleading guilty and getting a small fine and traffic school. Chris plead not guilty. Sam was there as a witness. Mike was there. The judge called the highway patrolman that wrote the ticket and he swore that it had to have been Chris that he got with the radar gun. The patrolman was going the opposite direction on the interstate. He couldn't get back over to pull Chris over, so he got another patrolman to pull him over. THe one who pulled him over didn't even see him speeding! But, they said that his was the only blue pickup on the interstate at that time! The judge took their word for it vs. Sam and Chris' so now Chris has another ticket on his record. If he had lied both times in court, he would be scot free now. Instead, he's got two tickets on his record. He was caught speeding once at 5mph over the limit.

What is the cost? His insurance will go from $700 a year to $1600 a year until he's 22 or 23 years old.

Thing is, I have real peace, because we did the right thing. But, it sure makes one understand all the lying and deciet in our world today.

in His Peace,