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The Savior's Shepherd

Posted by: jas <jas@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry
Copyright (c) 2010, J. Randal Matheny

I'm making an exception to the Cloudburst Poetry this
time. Usually, I send the verses to the closed email
list only, so they won't be considered published. I
want to encourage people to sign up to the list. See
the webpage of this poem (link below) for more
comments on it, and suggestions on using this poem.

The Savior's Shepherd
by J. Randal Matheny

Give a shepherd's care
to God's flock among you.
1 Peter 5:2 NET

You cannot waver nor fall asleep,
For preying wolves appear as sheep;
The newborn lambs require your care,
As easy prey, they need beware
Of prowlers bent on havoc and harm.
Shepherd, shout and sound the alarm!

Your task: protect, defend and feed
All the flock of God, to lead
To verdant fields each ram and ewe.
The erring sheep you must pursue,
Restore the wanderer to the fold.
Shepherd, bring them in from the cold!

Fill your service with purest joy,
Discernment and all wisdom deploy;
Let not this labor weigh on your mind,
Be eager to do the work assigned,
For heaven is for them your goal.
Shepherd, usher to God the soul!

1. If you'd like to comment on today's poem, please do
so here, under my own:
2. If you were blessed today by this poem, please
forward it, as is, to some friends.
3. Recommend Cloudburst Poetry to your local newspaper,
favorite poetry journal, church bulletin or general
interest magazine.