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The Scene at Calvary

Posted by: jas <jas@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry
Copyright (c) 2008, J. Randal Matheny

by J. Randal Matheny

On bloodied ground Jesus died,
A heavy cross with heinous sin;
Redemption flowed from his pierced side,
And peace above the thunderous din.

Weeping women and hardened men
Knew nothing but a monstrous deed;
But Satan in his darkened den
Was vanquished by the mother's Seed.

The broken earth received the stake,
And under its welcomed weight, she groaned;
The ground rejoiced for justice' sake
At Jesus' cry, avenged, atoned.

The dusty swirls from Roman feet
Stirred freedom's wind to corners four;
The whiff of death in Israel's street
Wafted sweet to heaven's door.

The laughing scribes, the soldiers' jeers
Could never hush salvation's tones;
No rabbles' staves, no clubs nor spears
Could thwart his plan nor break his bones.

Adoration fills our hearts,
Thanksgiving thrills our humbled souls;
Reverence moves our inward parts
To praise him who sits at the controls.

Deep in the soul faith stirs sincere
And, disbelieving, beholds the tree;
With streaming tears the eyes are clear:
It's true, it's true! He died for me!

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