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The Secret of the Sky

Posted by: jas <jas@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry
Copyright (c) 2007, J. Randal Matheny

Be sure and read no. 3 below. And nos. 1 and 2.

by J. Randal Matheny

Ah! the vaulted visions thrill me
As I hurtle through the sky!
Man for eons dreamed of seeing
Recent sights beheld on high.

Cottony clouds in billowed layers
Cloak the birds and bed the stars;
Startling blue invades my smallness,
Dilates thoughts and breaks my bars.

Mansions shrivel to miniature boxes,
Cultured gardens blur to jade;
Towns become a silent anthill,
Movements slow and strivings fade.

Who first flew in heavy airplanes:
Brothers Wright or Santos Dumont?
Flying's much too great an invention
For a single credit alone.

Fear keeps some from flight adventures,
Never to see God's wide expanse;
Here it's true: the destination
Pales beside the trip's romance.

In each plume that streaks the heavens,
In each glint on lifted wings,
I sweep up and out in journeys
Worthy of rich and warring kings.

Then, aloft, I swoon and wonder
At the secret of the sky:
How to feel, while I am grounded,
What I feel each time I fly?

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