Quote from Forum Archives on September 23, 2009, 10:16 amPosted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
-by Paul Holdren.John Wesley recounted that within every revival were the seeds
of apostasy. By this he meant that with revival came righteousness,
with righteousness came favor, with favor came prosperity, and with
prosperity came the temptation to self-reliance. The temptation of
self-reliance is the first step away from God. It is sad that people
are willing to serve the illusion of prosperity by means of self-reliance.As Americans we can definitely see how this insight fits our country.
Our land was birthed with the ideal that a nation should have the
freedom to worship the true and living God according to ones
conscience. The Almighty had blessed our nation with righteousness.
With righteousness came national favor, with favor came prosperity,
and now we, as a nation, bear the burdens of decline resulting from
our own self-reliance. As American Christians we can see how the
Spirit of the Lord could speak of a church that sees itself as
increased of goods and have need of nothing (Rev. 3:17).When idolatrys seed of self-reliance yields its crop of perversion,
poverty, and strugglemany who claim to be worshippers of
Almighty God will turn to other gods. These gods are the gods
which originate in the satanically manipulated carnal heart. These
gods are conceived in the human imagination and constructed by
human hands. These gods of imagery are bombarding Americans
now, seducing us in a downward spiral of the medias ongoing
promotion of abomination against God.Our present its the economy or its health care politicians have
replaced Jeremiahs prosperity prophets, giving us a false sense of
security by proclaiming blessing and peace upon the land. Our
soft-sell preachers are proclaiming health and wealth, while the
glory is preparing to depart from our places of worship. Change
that makes a difference will not come by the hands of men.
Change that will make a difference will only come when we cast
our idols down at the foot of the cross.Where are the believers like Ezekiel today? Where are the watchmen
on the wall of a nations destinycrying out that the enemy is
coming, that the glory is lifting, and that God is turning His back?
Political correctness tells us not to speak in such a manner.
Religious convenience tells us not to prophecy such, for the people
have ears that need to be tickled (II Tim 4:3). As passionate believers,
we cannot help but speak a word of warning. As passionate oracles
of the truth, we must speak the promise of restoration grace in
order that many may be given the opportunity to cast down their
idols and return to the God of our fathers.-Paul Holdren,
Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
-by Paul Holdren.
John Wesley recounted that within every revival were the seeds
of apostasy. By this he meant that with revival came righteousness,
with righteousness came favor, with favor came prosperity, and with
prosperity came the temptation to self-reliance. The temptation of
self-reliance is the first step away from God. It is sad that people
are willing to serve the illusion of prosperity by means of self-reliance.
As Americans we can definitely see how this insight fits our country.
Our land was birthed with the ideal that a nation should have the
freedom to worship the true and living God according to ones
conscience. The Almighty had blessed our nation with righteousness.
With righteousness came national favor, with favor came prosperity,
and now we, as a nation, bear the burdens of decline resulting from
our own self-reliance. As American Christians we can see how the
Spirit of the Lord could speak of a church that sees itself as
increased of goods and have need of nothing (Rev. 3:17).
When idolatrys seed of self-reliance yields its crop of perversion,
poverty, and strugglemany who claim to be worshippers of
Almighty God will turn to other gods. These gods are the gods
which originate in the satanically manipulated carnal heart. These
gods are conceived in the human imagination and constructed by
human hands. These gods of imagery are bombarding Americans
now, seducing us in a downward spiral of the medias ongoing
promotion of abomination against God.
Our present its the economy or its health care politicians have
replaced Jeremiahs prosperity prophets, giving us a false sense of
security by proclaiming blessing and peace upon the land. Our
soft-sell preachers are proclaiming health and wealth, while the
glory is preparing to depart from our places of worship. Change
that makes a difference will not come by the hands of men.
Change that will make a difference will only come when we cast
our idols down at the foot of the cross.
Where are the believers like Ezekiel today? Where are the watchmen
on the wall of a nations destinycrying out that the enemy is
coming, that the glory is lifting, and that God is turning His back?
Political correctness tells us not to speak in such a manner.
Religious convenience tells us not to prophecy such, for the people
have ears that need to be tickled (II Tim 4:3). As passionate believers,
we cannot help but speak a word of warning. As passionate oracles
of the truth, we must speak the promise of restoration grace in
order that many may be given the opportunity to cast down their
idols and return to the God of our fathers.
-Paul Holdren,