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Posted by: spiritualdigest <spiritualdigest@...>

Dear Beloved,


"The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want…"
(Psalm 23, NIV).

This psalm is one of the most popular psalms. Many
people have learnt it by heart right from their
childhood. I was led to use it to pray for people as I
was wishing them happy new year (2005). However, as
popular as it is, and as I have adapted it as a prayer
for the new year, let me also base my first "Spiritual
Digest" for the year on the thrust and content of the

The thrust of the psalm is the trust in the Lord who is
like a shepherd to the composer of the psalm, David.
David, being once a shepherd, knew the relationship of
the shepherd to the sheep. He knew how the sheep
usually rely on the guidance, protection and provision
of the shepherd. He therefore applied that relationship
and reliance on himself and God.

Because God was his shepherd, David said he would not
be in want. This does not mean that he would have all
that he might selfishly desire, but all he needed.
Ordinarily, sheep need two basic things - "green
pasture" where they can find good food, and a place
where they can conveniently drink water. So anyone who
puts his total trust in God this new year will
experience both physical and spiritual nourishment from
God. Such person can claim the promise in Philippians
4:19: "And my God will meet all your needs according to
his glorious riches in Christ Jesus" (NIV. See also
Matthew 6:33).

Apart from divine nourishment, anyone who trusts God
will experience divine restoration. As the shepherd
leads his sheep to quiet waters for rest and cleansing,
likewise, the Lord will restore or refresh the souls of
all who trust in Him. That is He will provide
forgiveness and peace to all who follow Him.

The Lord will lead all who trust in Him in the right
way. He will guide them in all their ways and make sure
that they do not go astray. Even if they mistakenly do,
He will, because of His reputation, bring them back to
the fold (see Luke 15:3-7).

Closely related to this is God's protection for all who
put their trust in Him. If such people find themselves
in dangerous situation, they need not fear any evil.
The reason is that God is with them to protect them
just as the shepherd would use his rod and staff to
protect his sheep from such situation. Believers in God
are never in situations that the Lord is not aware of,
for He never leaves or forsakes His people (see Hebrews

Verse 5 corroborates the affirmation of David in the
latter part of verse 1 - the Lord will provide for him.
As a good host provide for the comfort of his guest, so
the Lord will provide abundantly for all those who
trust in Him, even in the presence of their enemies!

Having realized that the goodness, love, and mercy of
God would be with him throughout his life, David, in
response to all these, resolved to always be in God's
presence forever.

Jesus Christ said, "I am the good shepherd. The good
shepherd lays down his life for the sheep" (John 10:11,
NIV. See also Isaiah 40:11). What a great privilege to
have Him as our Great Shepherd! However, have you made
Him your shepherd? Are you putting your total trust in
Him this new year? Be like David! Put your total trust
in Him. You will never be in wants this year. Amen!

In His service,

Bayo Afolaranmi (Pastor).

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