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The Sin Story

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

<>< The Sin Story ><>
In the beginning was God.
Then, there was Adam and Eve.
Then, the devil came along and
Eve he completely deceived.
Then, Cain slew Abel because he wasn't
capable of keeping Abel's sacrifice.
Then, there was Seth - who did his
best to take Abel's place.
Then, there was Noah, a righteous man,
that God Spoke to one day.
He said, "Noah, I'm going to send a flood
to wash unrighteousness away.
So, warn the people to turn from sin
and come in the ark to stay.
For, I will send a flood that will
simply wash them away."
But, the unrighteous people just
laughed at him and went their merry way;
Continuing in sin, not willing to bend
from their wicked, wicked way.
So, then there was the flood that left
pure mud and Noah and his family too.
But, God destroyed all the rest...
as He said He would do.
Then came the Son, who said He wouldn't
run for high office or any thing.
He said, " I come that I might save some,
in spite of this wicked reign."
Well, He paid the price that we would
have life, in spite of our sin and shame.
So, dear friend, all there's left to do
is 'on Him simply claim'.
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<>< Words Have You Heard ><>
You've probably heard this bit of wisdom that goes something
like this:  If you want something done, ask a busy person
to do it!  This is also a truth about God.  He never goes to
the lazy or idle person when He needs workers for His service.
Did you notice when God called...
  Moses was busy with his flocks at Horeb.
  Gideon was busy threshing wheat.
  Saul was busy searching for his father's lost sheep.
  Elisha was busy plowing with twelve yoke of oxen.
  Amos was busy following the flock.
  Nehemiah was busy bearing the king's cup.
  Peter and Andrew were busy casting a net into the sea.
  James and John were busy mending their nets.
  Matthew was busy collecting customs.
  Saul was busy persecuting the friends of Jesus. 
You're never too busy to be called and used by God!
Have a blessed, busy day!
<>< + <>< + <>< + <>< + <>< + <>< + <>< + <>< +<>< + <><
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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