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The Stephen Effect

Posted by: revmark <revmark@...>

 4/28 AM Message
The Stephen Effect

Kung Fu Movie – Lips move/funny voices/fights sped up

            -bad guys taken over kingdom

            -using for own glory and personal gain

            -Jet Li came back to rescue his mother

                        10 swords


                        50 attackers

 Acts 7

Most of chapter devoted to indictment of priests

            -History Lesson



Stephen            -daring witness for Jesus

                        -had several weapons to challenge priests


1. Message  6:8-14

            -Filled with Spirit

            -spread the TRUTH

            -Others couldn't argue w/Truth


2. Face  6:15 "of an angel"

            -we think of softness, gentleness, purity

            -Angels in the Bible are FIERCE



            -glory, power, strength, DIVINE LIGHT

            -RIVETED attention – AWE of Sanhedrin


 With those attributes, Stephen gave a strong rebuke with

3.  Passion

            -strong words


            -from the heart

 4.  Vision

            -Looked to heaven

                        *Other places mention Jesus seated at R

                        *Here is standing


                                    -when needed most

5.  Victory

            -In 2 senses:

                a. 1st martyr – unlike Palestinian suicides

                        -HE was attacked/stoned

                        -faced death with assurance of JN 14:2

                b. effects on people/society around him


1.  Effect on the world  -  saw commitment

            -showed commitment of early church

            -world saw a Jesus Freak

                        -book aboutpersecution around world today

                        -so committed, prepared to die


This had a profound effect on:

2.  The church

            -stirred up their courage

            -earlier 4:31 "spoke boldly"

            -now persecution began

                        -Chinese church today


                                                -at first, scares away

                                                -later, signals food

            -All except the apostles were:


                        -preached 8:4

 3.  Apostles

-         stayed in Jerusalem

-         Sanhedrin could not defeat

-         Profound effect on people/church

 Among those affected:

4.  Devout Jews 8:2

            -not Christians


                        -gave honor of burial

                                    -open stand of support

 5.  Effect on Saul

            -tremendous impact

                        haunted later on road to Damascus

            -infuriated him

                        -persecuted Christians

            -similar to many people today

                -refuse to accept the TRUTH

                        -infuriates them

                        -carry a fear

                                    -laughter/derision of peers

                                    -being wrong

                                    -God's acceptance of who they are

                                    -Christ's sacrifice for their sins

                -Many fear the IDEA

                        -have a purpose

                        -part of divine plan

                        -something greater than they

                        -that they are not in control of their lives

 FEAR led to :

Nietsche – "belief in God is the crutch of a weak mind"

 Saul didn't have weak mind

            -educated, faithful Jew

            -rising star in the Sanhedrin

YET—Stephen's death struck a chord in him

            -impact of TRUTH

            -God used Stephen as a seed from which Paul would sprout

                        -wrote most of NT

                        -changed lives

                        -built church


Ask you to Identify this morning with one of 2 people

 Maybe you can see yourself as SAUL:

            -claim to be in control




            -BUT that's not entirely true, is it?

                        -Here this a.m. for a purpose

                        -Seen the faith of Stephen

                        -starting to doubt the lie of Humanism

            -Take that step of faith this morning

            -Be transformed from

                        -Doubting Thomas to Believing Thomas

-Saul the Killer to Paul the Christian

-Allow God into your life


Maybe you can see yourself as STEPHEN:


            -Full of Faith

            Challenge this morning:

                        -Take up the weapons you have

                        -Same weapons Stephen had

               -challenge the authority of this world

                        -Tell of God's Grace in your life

                        -Have NO FEAR

                                    -Christ is STANDING

                                                -at R hand of God

                                                -to strengthen you

                                                -to equip you

                                                -to guide you