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Posted by: preacher30673 <preacher30673@...>


Philippians 1:19


            There is a person we don't hear much about anymore in our Baptist churches,  and that is the HOLY SPIRIT.


            I think it is largely due to the fact that we have become a very self-sufficient and self-reliant generation.


            We have so many tools at our disposal, and we are such a well trained generation that we have learned how to do it by our own abilities and skills.


            However, what is done in the energy of the flesh will only produce the results of the flesh. What is done in the  power of the Holy Spirit will produce more than results. It will produce fruit. We have a lot of results in our day, but we have very little fruit.


            A.W. Tozer said, "The only power God recognizes in His church is the power of His Spirit whereas the only power actually recognized today by the majority of evangelicals is the power of man. God does His work by the operation of the Spirit, while Christian leaders attempt to do theirs by the power of trained and devoted intellect."


            I find an interesting and blessed statement found in Philippians 1:19 about the Holy Spirit. Paul speaks of the "supply of the Spirit." He explains that this divine supply would completely alter the results of his personal experience. He will also do the same with ours as well.


            Paul begins by saying, "For I know." What he is speaking of is something that he knows with absolute certainty. He is absolutely confident and assured that everything happening in his life will "turn to my salvation." He is not talking about salvation in the sense of one being saved as we often think of when we use the word. He uses the word "salvation" in the sense of deliverance.


            Some believe he is talking about being released from prison for in verse 26  since he speaks of seeing the Philippian believers again. 


            I personally think Paul is saying that all that is happening to him in this very difficult situation that he finds himself  is the best thing for him both in time and in eternity. "God put me in this situation; and God means it, with all its problems and its difficulties, to make for my happiness and usefulness in time, and for my joy and peace in eternity."


        In our text Paul gives two reasons why he is certain that everything will turn to his salvation. First, there were the prayers of the saints. He says "through your prayer" he will be delivered. How important it is that believers pray for one another. Secondly, there is the power of the Spirit. He is certain because of the "supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ."


            It is this "supply of the Spirit" that I want us to consider.




            Paul speaks of "the Spirit of Jesus Christ." When Paul speaks of the Holy Spirit he is not speaking of an influence, or atmosphere, or some kind of force. Paul speaks of Him as a person.


            THE HOLY SPIRIT IS A PERSON. He is not enthusiasm. He is not courage. He is not energy.


            He has all the qualities of a person. He can hear, speak, desire, grieve, and rejoice. He is a Person.


            A.       His Person Experientially


                        Since He is a person, He is Someone we       can know and have a relationship with. You    cannot have a relationship with a force or a            form of energy. Yet, a person is a different story.       A person you can talk to and walk with.


                        The Holy Spirit is often spoken of with        traits and characteristics of personality. In        Romans 15:30 Paul spoke of "the love of the         Spirit." Love is a characteristic of a person. In    John 16:13 Jesus spoke of "what He shall hear,     that shall He speak." A person both hears and       speaks. In Ephesians 4:30 Paul admonished the     believers at Ephesus to "grieve not" the Holy      Spirit. Grieving is a trait of personality.


                        As believers, because the Holy Spirit is a      person, we can know Him personally and     intimately.


                        We need to know Him. We need more          than knowing about Him. One can be             theological correct about the Holy Spirit but not know Him personally. We need more than a            head  knowledge about Him. We need an    experiential knowledge of Him! We need to        have a relationship with Him.


            B.        His Person Essentially


                        Paul speaks of Him as "the Spirit of Jesus    Christ." He is not just any person. He is a divine         person. As the "Spirit of Jesus Christ" He is            accredited with Deity. He is the Person of Jesus       Christ manifested.


                        In John 14:16 Jesus said, "And I will pray   the Father, and He shall give you another         Comforter, that He may abide with you for            ever." The word "another" literally speaks of   another of like kind. Jesus was saying, "He that     will replace Me will actually be Me."


                        The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of            Jesus Christ, because through the Spirit             Christ communicates Himself to His people.


                        See John 14:18. He comes to us in the          Spirit.





            Paul's words imply that the Holy Spirit is a person who is  present. He is not some distant person who is beyond our reach. He is Someone who is available to us. As we shall see, the "supply" that Paul speaks of declares that He is present.


            A.       His Personal Presence


                        In 1 Corinthians 6:19 Paul explains that      "your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost."        He is a divine person who indwells every      believer. Our physical body is His earthly          dwelling place. In the Old Testament God  had    a temple for His people. In the New Testament      God has a people for His temple.


                        It is a miracle of grace that the Holy Spirit would make the body of the redeemed the      earthly temple of God. His presence is personal     to every believer for He lives in each believer.


            B.        His Perpetual Presence


                        Jesus told His disciples, "And I will pray       the Father, and he shall give you another         Comforter, that he may abide with you for             ever" (John 14:16). When the Holy Spirit takes   up residence in the believer He moves in to stay.


                        We can't lose Him, and He certainly will     not lose us! His perpetual presence is the down             payment that we will make it home.


            C.       His Powerful Presence


                        Just before Jesus went back to heaven, He    said to His disciples, "But ye shall receive           power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon     you." The only power a believer has is in the             person of the Holy Spirit.


                        As I said in the beginning, we often rely       on our talents and skills to do God's work. But     any work done by our own power is doom to         failure. There may be results, but there will not          be fruit, and there is a difference.


                        The Holy Spirit resides in every believer ,    but I remind you He did not take residence in             our body just to be someone to run around with   us and make us feel good. He lives within us to         empower and enable us to do God's work.


                        When we became sons of God we also          became servants of God. When Jesus told His        disciples the Holy Spirit would come upon them   in power, He told them why He would            empower them. Jesus said, "But ye shall receive     power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon          you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in       Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria,             and unto the uttermost part of the earth" (Acts     1:8).


                        Every believer is to be a witness. Thank        God we have Someone who enables us to be and do what God has called us to do. His    personal, perpetual, and powerful  presence in             our lives.






            Paul spoke of  "the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ." The word "supply" is a very interesting word. The word literally speaks of a "contribution." The word "supply"  gives us our English word chorus.


            Let me explain this word "supply." In classical Greek, a huge choral and dramatic company practiced endlessly for an important theatrical performance. After they had put in a great amount of time, it was finally time for the show to go on the road. However, there was a problem. They were out of money. Yet, at that moment, a wealthy man heard of their crisis and stepped in and made a huge financial contribution on behalf of the choir. The gift that he gave was so enormous that it was more than they needed. It was a contribution that was excessively large, abundant, overflowing and overwhelming.


            The "supply of the Spirit" is a furnishing of whatever is necessary. The Holy Spirit is our             source for whatever is necessary. It is not  something He gives. It is what He is to us. The            Holy Spirit is:


            A.       An Available Supply


                        When you have run out of steam, don't        feel like you have an ounce of energy left, and        we are at the end of our resources, that is when     the Lord Jesus Christ in the person of the Holy Spirit steps in. He comes to us when all seems         hopeless and makes a heavenly contribution that   is what we need and even more than we need.         

                        When we do not have enough strength to    go on there is the "supply of the Spirit." When            we are at the end of our own resources, there is     the "supply of the Spirit." When we lack what is       needed to be what we should be there is the            "supply of the Spirit." When we are unable to   do what we should do there is the "supply of the   Spirit." His power and provision is available for    our need.


                        The "supply of the Spirit" empowers,           equips, and enables us to do God's work.


                        When the burdens press and the cares            distress, the "supply of the Spirit" is available.


        B.        An ABUNDANT SUPPLY


                        As the word suggests, it is a sufficient             supply. It is a supply that meets our need and      even more than we need.


                        The "supply of the Spirit" is a sufficient      supply.


                        A.J. Gordon told the story of an        American with an English gentleman was             viewing the Niagara whirlpool rapids, when he      said to his friend: "Come, and I'll show you the         greatest unused power in the world." And taking   him to the foot of Niagara Falls, "There," he said, "is the greatest unused power in the world!"


                        "Ah, no, my brother, not so!" was the            reply. "The greatest unused power in the world             is the Holy Spirit of the living God."            


                        In the person of the Holy Spirit there is        an abundant supply made available to every believer, yet so often we fail to avail ourselves of   this supply. This explains dead             preaching, cold      services, barren altars,     unchanged lives, and        ineffective service.


                        There is a "supply." It is a "supply" that      is available and abundant.




            The Holy Spirit is more than the third person of the Trinity. He is a divine person who lives within every believer who is our supply for all that is needed to be what God has commanded us to be and called us to do. If there is anyone we need to get acquainted with and know on a personal basis, it is the Holy Spirit.








Pastor Jimmy Chapman

Victory Baptist Church




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