The Tollivers Updating and Requesting Prayer
Quote from Forum Archives on October 15, 2020, 1:10 pmPosted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>
Hello, chapel family and friends:Jo Ann and I are praying that all is well with you. We are currently still at our home in Missouri. Last week our youngest daughter and her husband spent three days with us helping with some projects around the house, and tomorrow our third daughter and husband arrive from Minnesota to do the same thing. In addition, we have more doctor appointments, haircuts, and preparation for our return to Yuma, unclear at the moment as to exactly when that will be.
The date is unclear for two reasons, and those are why I write, and am also including those subscribed to my "Shoulder To Shoulder" and "LUMglobal" letters. In that I am writing to four groups, some of you will likely receive multiple copies of this note.
So, here we go: . . . . .
1. Chapel Meeting Policies and Starting Time:
I have been in communication with the managers and the new activities director at Fortuna de Oro regarding the park's COVID-19 policies. Most of the restrictions are to be expected and can be easily handled. However, there are a couple that will more seriously affect us. We hope to see both of them changed, but have no idea as to a timeline.
1) Attendance limit: Currently the park has set an attendance cap of 50 people for our services. This includes both meeting inside or outside, such as in the parking lot or the Sports Center. The restriction raises two issues ---- Certain outside group activities have either no cap or a higher cap. Also, in Arizona church services are listed by the Governor's executive order as "essential services", and as far as I can tell, have no numerical limit. So, we hope to get some clarification on that.
2) No Outsiders: When COVID-19 hit, many area parks and all Cal-Am parks throughout California and Arizona stopped taking new guests or overnight campers. Now that things have improved, the Park allows short-term guests, vendors, and employees to come into the park through the monitored security gate. Unfortunately, the policy that chapel services are only for park residents and guests remains in place. This affects our ability to minister because normally about 20% of our attendees, 75% of our leadership team, and 80% of our praise team come from outside the park.
So, currently chapel services are limited to only people living in the park, and a maximum 50 in attendance at any one service. I had a very congenial and productive phone conversation in which the policies were explained by the new activities director two weeks ago, and subequently sent an e-mail last week addressing those issues, offering a number of suggestions, and requesting that because of the nature of the chapel non-residents be allowed to attend. As soon as I hear back, I will let the chapel members know.
If outsiders still cannot come onsite, the Chapel Leadership Ministry Team is considering a number of possible solutions, such as . . . . having two services -- one in the park for residents and one outside for non-residents. This would require two praise teams, dealing with media equipment, and a few other logistical issues. We have also discussed the possibility of temporarily having chapel services and Bible studies at other locations outside the park. That means finding those locations, dealing with media equipment, and possibly paying rent for another facility.
I know that park leadership is as anxious to accommodate the Chapel as we are, so this is a matter for which we need much prayer and wisdom. I'm asking you to make it a matter of strong prayer. Because this affects both the praise team and the set-up crew, we can't really do much planning until we know what the outcome is. Therefore, our beginning time remains unclear.
And that leads me to the second matter, . . .
2. Personal Health Issues:
Last week as I went through the routine five-year gastric track exams, some concerns surfaced. As a result, I am scheduled to have a CT scan to further examine my abdominal and pelvic areas. Some kind of medicinal and/or corrective procedures are likely either here in Missouri or after we return to Yuma. That will depend on what procedures might actually be needed, where they would need to be performed, and time available. Al of this MAY affect the time of our return to Yuma. If there are no setbacks, we hope to be there either by the end of this month or first week of November. Either way, it is doubtful that we will have chapel services on the first Sunday of November, as is our normal custom. It is more likely to be the 8th or 15th, but we will know more following my follow-up appointment with the doctor on October 21st.
In Summary:
So, on both counts, we would really appreciate your prayers. Just last week Jo Ann and I were talking about how, even at our age, we have no desire whatsoever to slow down or stop ministering actively. The idea of shifting into neutral is unthinkable to us. And yet we know that things like COVID-19, age, health issues, and economics often impact people's lives. It was just a few weeks ago that I began "reminding" the Lord of what I had been praying every year for the past eight years . . .
1) Extend our days,
2) Increase our strength and endurance,
3) Meet our needs,
4) Open doors.In light of things happening not only in our nation but also globally, we both feel a sense of urgency to continue sharing the message He has given us, and continue addressing many issues based on the truth and authority of God's Word.
While neither the chapel situation nor these health issues were on our radar screens, they are now. We need God's presence and sovereign activity in both, and for that reason I am writing to you. Whether you are a member of either Greer Chapel or Chapel de Oro, or whether you are only on one of my ministry letters, we ask you to become an intercessor regarding these issues. Neither of them are outside of God's knowledge, and neither of them are beyond His ability and power to fix.Thanks for praying.
Pastor Bob and Jo Ann
--Bob Tolliver
Life Unlimited Ministries
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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>
Jo Ann and I are praying that all is well with you. We are currently still at our home in Missouri. Last week our youngest daughter and her husband spent three days with us helping with some projects around the house, and tomorrow our third daughter and husband arrive from Minnesota to do the same thing. In addition, we have more doctor appointments, haircuts, and preparation for our return to Yuma, unclear at the moment as to exactly when that will be.
The date is unclear for two reasons, and those are why I write, and am also including those subscribed to my "Shoulder To Shoulder" and "LUMglobal" letters. In that I am writing to four groups, some of you will likely receive multiple copies of this note.
So, here we go: . . . . .
1. Chapel Meeting Policies and Starting Time:
I have been in communication with the managers and the new activities director at Fortuna de Oro regarding the park's COVID-19 policies. Most of the restrictions are to be expected and can be easily handled. However, there are a couple that will more seriously affect us. We hope to see both of them changed, but have no idea as to a timeline.
1) Attendance limit: Currently the park has set an attendance cap of 50 people for our services. This includes both meeting inside or outside, such as in the parking lot or the Sports Center. The restriction raises two issues ---- Certain outside group activities have either no cap or a higher cap. Also, in Arizona church services are listed by the Governor's executive order as "essential services", and as far as I can tell, have no numerical limit. So, we hope to get some clarification on that.
2) No Outsiders: When COVID-19 hit, many area parks and all Cal-Am parks throughout California and Arizona stopped taking new guests or overnight campers. Now that things have improved, the Park allows short-term guests, vendors, and employees to come into the park through the monitored security gate. Unfortunately, the policy that chapel services are only for park residents and guests remains in place. This affects our ability to minister because normally about 20% of our attendees, 75% of our leadership team, and 80% of our praise team come from outside the park.
So, currently chapel services are limited to only people living in the park, and a maximum 50 in attendance at any one service. I had a very congenial and productive phone conversation in which the policies were explained by the new activities director two weeks ago, and subequently sent an e-mail last week addressing those issues, offering a number of suggestions, and requesting that because of the nature of the chapel non-residents be allowed to attend. As soon as I hear back, I will let the chapel members know.
If outsiders still cannot come onsite, the Chapel Leadership Ministry Team is considering a number of possible solutions, such as . . . . having two services -- one in the park for residents and one outside for non-residents. This would require two praise teams, dealing with media equipment, and a few other logistical issues. We have also discussed the possibility of temporarily having chapel services and Bible studies at other locations outside the park. That means finding those locations, dealing with media equipment, and possibly paying rent for another facility.
I know that park leadership is as anxious to accommodate the Chapel as we are, so this is a matter for which we need much prayer and wisdom. I'm asking you to make it a matter of strong prayer. Because this affects both the praise team and the set-up crew, we can't really do much planning until we know what the outcome is. Therefore, our beginning time remains unclear.
And that leads me to the second matter, . . .
2. Personal Health Issues:
Last week as I went through the routine five-year gastric track exams, some concerns surfaced. As a result, I am scheduled to have a CT scan to further examine my abdominal and pelvic areas. Some kind of medicinal and/or corrective procedures are likely either here in Missouri or after we return to Yuma. That will depend on what procedures might actually be needed, where they would need to be performed, and time available. Al of this MAY affect the time of our return to Yuma. If there are no setbacks, we hope to be there either by the end of this month or first week of November. Either way, it is doubtful that we will have chapel services on the first Sunday of November, as is our normal custom. It is more likely to be the 8th or 15th, but we will know more following my follow-up appointment with the doctor on October 21st.
In Summary:
So, on both counts, we would really appreciate your prayers. Just last week Jo Ann and I were talking about how, even at our age, we have no desire whatsoever to slow down or stop ministering actively. The idea of shifting into neutral is unthinkable to us. And yet we know that things like COVID-19, age, health issues, and economics often impact people's lives. It was just a few weeks ago that I began "reminding" the Lord of what I had been praying every year for the past eight years . . .
1) Extend our days,
2) Increase our strength and endurance,
3) Meet our needs,
4) Open doors.
In light of things happening not only in our nation but also globally, we both feel a sense of urgency to continue sharing the message He has given us, and continue addressing many issues based on the truth and authority of God's Word.
While neither the chapel situation nor these health issues were on our radar screens, they are now. We need God's presence and sovereign activity in both, and for that reason I am writing to you. Whether you are a member of either Greer Chapel or Chapel de Oro, or whether you are only on one of my ministry letters, we ask you to become an intercessor regarding these issues. Neither of them are outside of God's knowledge, and neither of them are beyond His ability and power to fix.
Thanks for praying.
Pastor Bob and Jo Ann
Bob Tolliver
Life Unlimited Ministries
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