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The Trial

Posted by: amazinggraze <amazinggraze@...>

The Trial

"All rise. The Final Division of the Court of Public Well-Being is now in session. The Honorable Voice of the Ages presiding."

"Please be seated. The case before us is entitled The State of Hopelessness vs. The Son of Man. The jury has been sworn in. Would the parties please announce their appearances?"

"The State appears in person by and through Deception, which is my name. I am general counsel for the State. With me and second chairing this trial is my assistant, Fear. Your Honor, it is our position that hope is an illusion propagated by the Defendant's messianic complex. Furthermore, the peace he offers is nothing more than a restrictive code of rules designed to suppress the freedom and pleasure due to all men. This self-proclaimed royalty offers only fantasy, not fulfillment."

"Very well. Would the accused please state his name?"

"I AM."

"I object, Your Honor!"

"Overruled. Identity is the ultimate issue here and one which the jury will decide. I see the Defendant is representing himself. Sir, you do have a right to have counsel. If you are indigent and cannot afford a lawyer, I would appoint one to represent you."

"Your Honor, poverty is relative. By man's standard, I have nothing. By truth's standard, I need nothing. You see, the world measures a man by wealth and appearance. Truth measures a man by his heart."

"Don't you think you could use the advice and guidance of a trained and experienced attorney?"

"Your Honor, I believe the evidence will show I am familiar with the role of an advocate."

"Very well. Mr. Deception, you may proceed."

"Your Honor, please just call me Deception. I prefer to be informal. The State calls the Defendant to the witness stand."

"Deception, the accused has a Fifth Amendment right to remain silent and not testify against himself."

"Your Honor, I waive the right not to incriminate myself. I will answer Deception's questions."

"Are you sure you know what you are doing?"

"Judge, only a guilty man can truly incriminate himself. Besides, I am very familiar with what went on in Philadelphia when the Fifth Amendment was first thought of. I knew some of those Founding Fathers quite well."

"Very well. Please place your left hand on the Bible and raise your right hand. Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you . . . Whoa, hold it. This could present a problem. Why don't you take the witness stand and just tell the truth. Deception, your witness."

"Sir, may I call you 'The King of the Jews?'"

"You have before."

"Let me get right to the point. Isn't it true you cannot be seen by human eyes?"


"Furthermore, most people have not heard your audible voice."

"I choose to communicate by other means."

"Does that mean yes?"


"So, to summarize, you claim to be the creator and ruler of this world, Lord and Savior of mankind, yet you are invisible and cannot be heard."

"My kingdom is not of this world."

"Ah, that answer sounds familiar. Why, it brings back fond memories of another trial we were involved in many years ago. I bet you remember that one also. Didn't quite go your way that day, did it?"

"Actually, it went as planned. Do you remember the third dawn after that day?"

"Just answer my question! You would agree, there is a lot of pain, hardship and death in this world you say you rule?"

"That is true."

"Furthermore, throughout history, those who have followed you are not any wealthier, more attractive or problem-free than those who reject you. In fact, some have lost their lives because of uncompromising devotion to you."

"Yes, there is a cost to following me."

"And this world you call your creation is full of drugs, violence, immorality and television evangelists, isn't that true?"

"That is true."

"Your Honor, I have no further questions for this witness. The State rests."

"Thank you, Deception. Does the Defendant wish to present any evidence?"

"Yes, Your Honor. The Defendant moves to admit Defense Exhibit Number One. The Defense rests."

"Members of the jury, we are now at that stage of the trial where both parties may present closing arguments. The State goes first. Deception, you may proceed."

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the only logical conclusion from the evidence you have heard is that the Defendant is not genuine. While his exhibit suggests he did some positive things for people and had an uncommon wisdom, your choice is clear. There is no middle ground. He cannot be accepted as just a good man or prophet. The Defendant is either who he claims to be, or he is a raving lunatic. Considering the Defendant's claims in light of his admissions concerning the state of the world, we believe he is without merit. Any blood on his royal robe is that of a misguided martyr, not a savior. The State has nothing further. Thank you."

"The Defendant may proceed."

"Thank you, Judge. Members of the jury, open your hearts and earnestly seek the truth as you consider my exhibit. Forgiveness required a cost, but not to you. Come only as you are, for self-worth has nothing to do with salvation. I love you so very much!"

"Very well. Members of the jury, you have heard the evidence. The case is now yours. Bailiff, please escort the jurors back to the jury room. Oh, and make sure they get the Defendant's Exhibit . . . it looks like, for purposes of the record, it is entitled, The Holy Bible."

The Evidence

We, the jury, find the defendant . . .

Like it or not, you are on the jury in the trial of eternity. The fate of the parties is already set; however, you stand to win or lose. In returning a verdict, consider the following:

. The Old and New Testaments are a historical record consisting of 66 books separately written by 40 different authors using three different languages over 2,000 years.

. The collection of narratives and letters contains the same theme: The God of the Bible is loving, just and intently concerned with His creation, to the degree that He sent His son Jesus, who died on the cross for the sins of man.

. The 1947 discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, which includes numerous Old Testament texts, provides insurmountable evidence validating Scripture. The scrolls are believed to have been written at a time immediately before, during and after Jesus lived. The text in the scrolls is almost identical to that dated 1,000 years later, thus proving the accuracy and reliability of the transmission of the text over the years.

. Scientific, historical, and archaeological research confirms Biblical references.

. There are no errors or internal discrepancies among the books of the Bible in the original manuscripts, unlike those found in other writings of man.

. The Bible contains the following remarkable events:

. Mary was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus;

. Jesus was publicly executed and certified as dead by the Roman government;

. Jesus' resurrection from the dead was verified by hundreds of witnesses;

. Details of Jesus' birth, life, death and resurrection were predicted and documented thousands of years earlier. . What was started by a humble carpenter and continued by 12 fearful, uneducated and despised men is now a Church that twenty centuries later is being spread into every nation, tribe and race in the world.

The Verdict

I speak as to sensible men; judge for yourselves what I say (1 Corinthians 10:15).

Throughout the Bible, God challenges us to use our minds to prove Scripture reliable and truthful. Make no mistake, faith is indispensable. However, it must be based on facts as well as experience.

Peter tells us to "... always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have" (1 Peter 3:15). We must be able to clearly explain why we believe what we believe. We should be ready to distinguish and defend our faith against culture's gods and false theology. The answer, "I know it to be true because I have the Holy Spirit in me," is not always a sufficient response for those seeking God.

God's word is defendable. It is rational and makes sense. If it were tried in an American courtroom today, the Bible's claims would easily meet the burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Put God's word to the test. Try it to the jury of your heart and mind.

Be prepared for the verdict.