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The TRUTH about 'KATRINA'?

Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

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NOTE: Our hearts are rent by the awful images of loss and
devastation suffered in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. A number
of Christians have claimed a link between the enforced Gaza
pullout and Judgment hitting the USA (-who pushed for the pullout).

Below are THREE EXTRACTS related to this. The first was
published by Koenigs International News - and is quite chilling:

-Koenigs <> 6/12/02.

1. October 30, 1991: The Perfect Storm - As President George
H. W. Bush is opening the Madrid (Spain) Conference to consider
"land for peace" in Israel's Middle East role, the "perfect storm"
develops in the North Atlantic, creating the largest waves ever
recorded in that region. The storm travels 1000 miles from "east to
west" instead of the normal "west to east" pattern and crashes into
the New England Coast. Thirty-five foot waves crash into the
Kennebunkport home of President Bush.

2. August 23, 1992: Hurricane Andrew - When the Madrid Conference
moves to Washington DC and the peace talks resume, Hurricane
Andrew, the worst natural disaster ever to hit America, comes ashore
and produces an estimated $30 billion in damage and leaving 180,000
homeless in Florida.

3. January 16, 1994: Northridge Earthquake - President Bill Clinton
meets with Syria's President Hafez el-Assad in Geneva. They talk
about a peace agreement with Israel that includes giving up the Golan
Heights. Within 24 hours, a powerful 6.9 earthquake rocks Southern
California. This quake, centered in Northridge, becomes the second
most destructive natural disaster to hit the United States, behind
Hurricane Andrew.

4. January 21, 1998: Lewinsky Scandal - Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu meets with President Clinton at the White House
and is coldly received. Clinton and Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright refuse to have lunch with him. Shortly afterwards on that day,
the Monica Lewinsky scandal breaks into the mass media and begins
to occupy a major portion of Clinton's time.

5. September 28, 1998: Hurricane George - As Secretary of State
Albright works on the final details of an agreement in which Israel
would give up 13 percent of Yesha (Judah and Samaria), Hurricane
George slams into the United States Gulf Coast with 110 mph winds
and gusts up to 175 mph. The hurricane hits the coast and stalled.
On September 28, Clinton meets with Yasser Arafat and Netanyahu
at the White House to finalize this land deal. Later, Arafat addresses
the United Nations about declaring an independent Palestinian state
by May 1999, as Hurricane George pounds the Gulf Coast, causing
$1 billion in damage. At the exact time that Arafat departs the
country, the storm begins to dissipate.

6. October 15-22, 1998: Texas Flooded - On October 15, 1998,
Arafat and Netanyahu meet at the Wye River Plantation in Maryland.
The talks are scheduled to last five days with the focus on Israel
giving up 13 percent of Yesha. The talks are extended and conclude
on October 23. On October 17, awesome rains and tornadoes hit
southern Texas. The San Antonio area is deluged with rain. The rain
and flooding in Texas continue until October 22 and then subside.
The floods ravage 25 percent of Texas and leave over one
billion dollars in damage. On October 21, Clinton declares this
section of Texas a major disaster area.

7. November 30, 1998: Market Capitalization Evaporates - Arafat
comes to Washington again to meet with President Clinton to raise
money for a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as the capital. A total
of 42 other nations were represented in Washington. All the nations
agreed to give Arafat $3 billion in aid. Clinton promised $400 million,
and the European nations $1.7 billion. On the same day, the Dow
Jones average drops 216 points, and on December 1, the European
Market had its third worst day in history. Hundreds of billions of
market capitalization were wiped out in the U.S. and Europe.

8. December 12, 1998: Clinton is Impeached - As Clinton lands in the
Palestinian-controlled section of Israel to discuss the "land for peace"
process, the House of Representatives votes four articles of
impeachment against him.

9. May 3, 1999: The Powerful Super Tornado - On the day that
Yasser Arafat is scheduled to declare a Palestinian state with
Jerusalem as the capital, the most powerful tornado storm system
ever to hit the United States sweeps across Oklahoma and Kansas.
The winds are clocked at 316 mph the fastest wind speed ever
recorded. The declaration is postponed to December 1999 at the
request of President Clinton, whose letter to Arafat encourages him
in his "aspirations for his own land." He also writes that the
Palestinians have a right to "determine their own future on their own
land" and that they deserve to "live free, today, tomorrow and forever."

10. Week of October 11: Hurricane, Earthquake and Dow Collapse -
As Jewish settlers in 15 West Bank (Israel) settlements are evicted
from the covenant land in Israel, the Dow-Jones financial averages lose
5.7 percent in the worst week since October 1989. On October 15 the
Dow lost 266 points, and a hurricane slams into North Carolina. On the
next morning, October 16, a magnitude 7.1 earthquake rocks the
southwest in the fifth most powerful earthquake in 20th Century. The
earthquake was centered in the California desert and did little damage
but was felt in three states.
"In John McTernan and my book, "Israel the Blessing or the Curse,"
we identify events that occur on the same-day Israel was strongly
advised or forced to give up her covenant land by the United States
or others. The above gives one an idea of the magnitude of these
-Koenig's International News -

(2) From 'Olive Tree Ministries':

What you won't hear anywhere is that this week New Orleans was
to observe "Southern Decadence Day" with 100,000 homosexuals
gathering there to commit unspeakable acts in public. Previous
events were photographed and sent to the mayor and police officials
but they did not care. They had their own lust: The $100,000,000
the event brings in.

Gambling casinos took a hit on the coast as this is where the eye
of the storm hit.

And as America forced Israelis out of parts of their land, hurricane
Katrina was building in the Atlantic. A Fox reporter said, "It must
be an emotional experience (for Americans) to walk away from
their homes and not ever live in them again." Same with those
forced out in Israel. Israeli homes are being demolished as Gulf
Coast homes are demolished.

This was America's greatest "evacuation." Now we have "refugees".

Israelis were evacuated and many are refugees living in tents and
refugee centers, thanks to America. The Israeli uprooting will affect
their entire economy in that some of their finest produce which was
exported is now left behind.

America's economy could face a steep recession as oil processing
refineries were damaged. Plan to see price increases within days.
Will this bring our economy down? Major industries will be affected
from food delivery, jet fuel, travel, insurance, and so much more
with the "ripple effect" of skyrocketing gas prices.

(3) "We REAP What we SOW"
-by Amy Methvin.

I am going out on a limb with what I am about to say. It may strike
a nerve, and I am sorry if that does happen. But in these days
people must hear the TRUTH, even if it is uncomfortable. I knew,
as this country has pushed the "roadmap to peace" in Israel that
for our country there would be dire consequences. And as I
watched the people of Gaza Strip driven from their homes, I knew
in my spirit there would be very swift (within a few weeks at
best) consequences for our country. In case you don't know, the
USA is the driving force behind these agreements.

I just wasn't prepared for the obvious parallel in reaping what we
sowed. It was just a couple of weeks ago, that we watched the
people of Gaza driven, weeping, from their homes. They were
forced to leave their homes on and near the sea, as their
government then came in and bulldozed those homes. Where
are these people now? They are in government shelters and
government housing. They are basically homeless.

Now look at our situation. Our neighbors on and near the sea have
been driven from their homes and their homes have been destroyed.
They, too, are weeping and homeless, dependent on the
government. One can scoff and say that this is just coincidence,
but there are no coincidences in the Lord. The Bible says that we
reap what we sow, and that those who bless Israel will be blessed,
and those who curse Israel will be cursed. I have been told by
several people that government officials (even up to the VERY top)
have been warned of the consequences of forcing Israel to give up
land. And I believe that would be like the Lord to warn first.

However, our government did not heed the warning, but pressed on
with what seemed right in their own eyes. I hope this will give us
all better understanding of the verses in Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in
the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own
understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will
make your paths straight." If you need Scripture for a confirmation
of "recompense" for removing Israel from its territory, see Joel 3.
Even in the midst of this destruction here in our country and for
those in Israel, God is at work. He CAUSES all things to work
together for good for those who are called according to His
purposes. Many will call upon His Name during these days and
be saved. So pray that people will open their eyes and call upon Him.

I certainly don't pretend to know all the ways of the Lord, but this
seemed pretty easy to discern. In these days let us all seek the
Lord while He can still be found. My love to you all.

~Amy Methvin.